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A-Train Billiard Forum Profile Avatar Image
3,834 reputation ?
~76.2k people reached


Adam Stevermer (aka: C21atrain)
Occupation: Real Estate
Las Vegas, NV United States

User Status

  • Offline
  • Last seen 6 years ago
  • Member for 18 years
  • 6536 profile views
  • Member #629

About Me

I like billiards, sales, and screwing.

"I learn from my mistakes and laugh at yours. LOL"

Ladies, vote me the sexiest guy on the forum. Here is a picture of me looking snazzy. Sometimes you just have to be irresistibly sexy.

But in all seriousness, my real name is Adam, I live in fabulous Las Vegas, NV.

I'm not the greatest pool player to ever live, but I hold my own. My ability is derived by passion for the game. I've never gambled before and lots of people tell me I'll never get better, these are the people I tend to run over in tournaments.

I'm too young for kids, but I'm dating a fantastic lady who someday will probably drag me kicking and screaming down that path of life. Who knows, maybe I'll be more open minded about it later.

Professionally I'm a real estate agent working for the largest developer in America and loving every second of it. I work my backside off to the tune of like 70 or 80 hours a week, but it's all worth it.

And if I ever hear about any of yous guys coming to Las Vegas and NOT getting in touch with me and offering some pool time and a beer, I will be highly disappointed.

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My Gear

  • Playing Cue: Schon
  • Jump/Break Cue: Generic (26 oz) Cue
  • Pool Table: Connelly

My Vitals

  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 40 years