Keeping track of your long 14.1 run
4/2/2007 10:59:11 AM
Keeping track of your long 14.1 run
I actually never kept track before. I had a nice 21 ball run yesterday so I'm going with that as my all time high. I'd like to break 30 but sadly I don't play this game very often.
What are your high runs?
Keeping track of your long 14.1 run
Replies & Comments
djkx1 on 4/2/2007 12:35:48 PM
I rarely play it either, but I've been trying to do more of it lately. Its a great all around skill game. My high run is 57.
Bishop on 4/2/2007 12:56:54 PM
Thats the thing. Most of the people I play don't even know the game exists. I spend most of my time playing friends and family in 9-ball and 8-ball. I almost always would rather play 14.1 than anything else.
BHQ on 4/2/2007 1:14:06 PM
Is that in "Canadian"?
A-Train on 4/2/2007 3:23:25 PM
Probably 25-30 once. I had a long binge of straight pool with my friends. It's a great game.
djkx1 on 4/2/2007 5:20:16 PM
I didn't know the exchange rate for high runs so I just went with the Canadian number. LOL
BHQ on 4/2/2007 7:51:03 PM
I had a long 38-ball run once in a league. I needed 54 to win, but, the best part is that I had the second highest run. That was my third year of shooting pool. They had a get together banquet type thing at the end.
My 2nd place prize was a free 6-month subscription to Pool & Billiards Magazine. Whoooppeee! That was back in 1997 or 98, and get this, I'm still getting the magazine!
djkx1 on 4/2/2007 9:08:10 PM
If anyone there reads this, your subscription might have just expired.
ccn7 on 4/19/2007 12:52:03 PM
Way back in them good ole days when I was still young and had a good set of eyes, I once ran 37 in 14.1.
We also played a similar game, but instead of racking at 14 you would line up your balls after your turn was over in a straight line from the head spot. I'm not sure what we called it but was something like "call shot continuous".
Anyways, I ran 53 that way.
mosconiac on 7/12/2007 3:36:39 PM
I used to play more 14.1 in college than I do now. My high run back then (10-12 years ago) was in the high 70's. I tried to top that recently and I couldn't break into the 60's. I'm weakest on the break shot so I typically stop at 42 or 56.
If I play a lot of 9B, I find 14.1 difficult due to over-stroking everything. I need to consciously "turn off" my stroke and carefully plan my pattern to minimize CB movement.
Bishop on 7/12/2007 4:24:07 PM
Wasn't it Willie Mosconi that said "...there are two ways to play; slow and slower"?
mosconiac on 7/13/2007 10:14:00 AM
Yes, but he also said that when having an off day, he would speed up his play and he would invariably play better.
Fenwick on 8/9/2008 6:48:37 PM
After re-entering the game I'm stuck on 24.
Keeping track of your long 14.1 run
- Title: Keeping track of your long 14.1 run
- Author: Bishop (Ryan Jones)
- Published: 4/2/2007 10:59:11 AM