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Just a Random Pic of Three of My Cues

Just a Random Pic of Three of My Cues

Huebler, Palmer, Joss.


Just a Random Pic of Three of My Cues

Replies & Comments

  1. Chopdocbilliardsforum on 5/3/2018 4:47:50 AM

    Is that a brushed nickel joint on the Palmer cue in the middle? I like that a lot.

  2. ChopdocChopdoc on 5/3/2018 6:44:38 AM

    It is a Nickel Silver joint. Polished. It could use a re-polish, cue is original.




  3. Chopdocbilliardsforum on 5/3/2018 5:43:08 PM

    Oh yeah, I am digging that Nickel-Silver finish. It's less, ah, gaudy, or more subtle... I don't know. I am not explaining it well.

    I definitely like this finish better than the standard stainless-steel ones you see on most cues. I find that I don't see this Nickel-Silver joint very often, but it looks great on this cue (which looks to be in pristine condition)!

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Just a Random Pic of Three of My Cues

  • Title: Just a Random Pic of Three of My Cues
  • Author: (Fernando Chaves)
  • Published: 5/3/2018 1:44:21 AM