Identify McDermott Matchroom Snooker Cue
9/4/2022 11:04:38 AM
Identify McDermott Matchroom Snooker Cue
I’ve got a McDermott Matchroom snooker cue that I could use help identifying.
If anybody has info on it, I would appreciate it.
Identify McDermott Matchroom Snooker Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 9/7/2022 12:41:36 PM
I don't recognize that as a McDermott snooker cue.
Can we see the rest of the cue? Is there a McDermott logo anywhere?
doctorj on 9/7/2022 2:04:30 PM
Here’s the other side of the cue. I thought the logo looked like the McDermott logo.
Under the McDermott logo, it says "Matchroom".
billiardsforum on 9/8/2022 4:23:06 AM
No doubt it's a McDermott logo, but there's nothing in their cue archives or back catalogs that look anything like it.
That darker wood is gorgeous on the "Matchroom" side. It has a beautiful figure to it.
I've reached out to McDermott for more info, and will let you know when I hear back.
billiardsforum on 9/8/2022 7:04:37 AM
Our McDermott contact got back to me with the info.
It is a McDermott MM-04 "Soccer" cue circa 1990. It is made from birdseye maple and bocote wood.
The MSRP at the time was $190 USD.
It was a series of snooker cues made in a partnership with Matchroom. From the literature:
A Tradition of Excellence
McDermott and Matchroom proudly present the ultimate in snooker cues. Their union brings years of experience in cue making and snooker promotion together to create the world's most beautiful snooker cue.
There were six models in the series, each showcasing a sport including golf, boxing, cricket, soccer, rugby. The sixth was a generic model without an inlay depicting a sport.
One thing to note - they mentioned that they weren't sure that the shaft was original to the snooker cue.
I don't believe the shaft is original to the cue though.
doctorj on 9/8/2022 7:34:42 AM
Thanks so much for identifying this for me!
It was part of my father’s group of cues he had acquired over the years. I appreciate your efforts in researching it.
Identify McDermott Matchroom Snooker Cue
- Title: Identify McDermott Matchroom Snooker Cue
- Author: doctorj (Jon Price)
- Published: 9/4/2022 11:04:38 AM
- Last Updated: 9/8/2022 4:25:27 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)