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Identify Cue in a Willie Mosconi Cue Case

Identify Cue in a Willie Mosconi Cue Case

Can someone help identify this Willie Mosconi cue?

This cue is one of two cues that belonged to my father. He was quite the pool shark, and would be in his 80s now.

After his passing I found these cues and was hoping to get more info on it.

How old is the cue and how much it is worth?




The other cue is posted separately here:

Identify Cue in a Willie Mosconi Cue Case

Replies & Comments

  1. ccdbilliardsforum on 3/24/2020 4:52:23 AM

    This is another low-end pool cue from Taiwan.

    As with your other pool cue, this cue might be worth more to you in sentimental value than what you would get for it on eBay.

    The market value of this cue would likely be under $40. It has no value as a collectible, and isn't worth anything beyond it's utility value.

    Note: I split your question into two separate ones. Your question about the other cue is linked in the question above.

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Identify Cue in a Willie Mosconi Cue Case

  • Title: Identify Cue in a Willie Mosconi Cue Case
  • Author: (Cari Decoeur)
  • Published: 3/21/2020 11:34:29 AM
  • Last Updated: 3/24/2020 4:24:07 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)