How Much is a 4-Point Custom Tony Gugino Cue Worth?
10/31/2019 8:08:10 AM
How Much is a 4-Point Custom Tony Gugino Cue Worth?
I have an awesome 4-point Tony Gugino custom cue that I may have to part with and am looking for it's value.
How Much is a 4-Point Custom Tony Gugino Cue Worth?
Replies & Comments
Chopdoc on 11/4/2019 11:53:00 AM
Never heard of him until I looked it up.
Gotta see the cue. Pics please.
billiardsforum on 1/2/2020 6:53:18 PM
As the saying goes, "Help me help you".
It would be like asking a realtor to value a house sight-unseen.
We can't value something we can't see.
How Much is a 4-Point Custom Tony Gugino Cue Worth?
- Title: How Much is a 4-Point Custom Tony Gugino Cue Worth?
- Author: Toddler (Todd Hanni)
- Published: 10/31/2019 8:08:10 AM
- Last Updated: 1/2/2020 6:50:22 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)