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Info, Model, and Date of a Meucci Cue

Info, Model, and Date of a Meucci Cue

Can you help me with information on this cue?

  • Manufacture date?
  • Style or type?
  • Value?

If memory serves me, I believe I bought it the late 1980s to early 1990s for $230, brand new.

Thank you for your help,



Info, Model, and Date of a Meucci Cue

Replies & Comments

  1. echo4hotelbilliardsforum on 3/3/2025 7:35:42 AM

    It is a Meucci PC-3 pool cue from the Meucci "Paramount" collection circa 1990-1993 (ish).

    The value today, in used condition, would be roughly the same as you paid for it, give or take.

    Meucci Paramount PC-3 Cue

    A powerful new high-value line from the pencil of the master cue maker with the price and design targeting the player of the 90's.


  2. echo4hotelecho4hotel on 3/3/2025 2:00:25 PM

    Thank you, for getting back to me.

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Info, Model, and Date of a Meucci Cue

  • Title: Info, Model, and Date of a Meucci Cue
  • Author:
  • Published: 3/2/2025 10:03:53 AM
  • Last Updated: 3/3/2025 7:35:59 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)