Billiard Rules Glossary of Terms
Terminology relating the rules of the game.
Billiard Rules Glossary of Terms
Welcome to the billiard rules glossary of terms. Your main resource for billiard rules and information should be the billiard rules section. The billiard rules section of the glossary is meant just to give you a brief overview of the names of each type of cue sport game, and into which category of cue sports they fall.
Terminology relating the rules of the game.
- Set
- Referee
- Inning
- Open Table
- Scotch Doubles
- Down Trou
- Lagging for the Break
- Ball In Hand
- Texas Express Rules
- Ring Game
- On The Hill
- 3 Foul Rule
- Three Foul Rule
- Sink
- Round
- Seeding
- Roll Up
- Short Rack
- Straight 8 Ball
- Straight Eight Ball
- Straight Eight
- Parkers Box
- Respot
- Re Spot
- Game
- Table Scratch
- Look Back
- Match Ball
- Group
- Suit
- In Turn
- Golden Break
- Open
- Flagrant Foul
- Large Ball
- Call Pocket
- Ball And Pocket
- Call Everything
- Call The Ball And Pocket
- Call It All
- Called Shot
- Gentlemans Call
- Gentlemens Call
- Game Ball
- Fault
- Double Hill
- Hickey
- Legal
- Counter Ball
- Bank The 8
- Split Double Elimination
- Successive Fouls
- Russian Billiards
- Balls On
- Cue Ball In Hand
- In Hand
- Two Shots Rule
- Two Visits Rule
- Two Shot Carry
- Total Clearance
- Total Snooker
- Touching Ball
- Re-Rack
- Wing Ball
- Round Robin
- Open Break
- Opening Break Shot
- Rotation
- Scratch
- Session
- Shot Clock
- Single Elimination
- Slop
- Spot
- Foul
- House Rules
- Hole
- Jump The Table
- Kick Shot
- Lag
- No Slop
- Match
- Called Pocket
- Called Ball
- Call Shot
- Call
- Chicago
- Double Elimination
- Breaking Violation
- Break
- Big Ball Position
- Big Ball
- Blind Draw
- Ball On
- Bar Rules
- Bar Pool
Thanks for visiting the billiard rules glossary of terms. Remember, check out the pool rules section for full information on specific game's rules.
- Title: Billiard Rules Glossary of Terms
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 1/31/2008 6:45:00 PM
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