Palmer Cues Wanted
4/1/2018 1:40:50 PM
Palmer Cues Wanted
Wanted - Palmer Cues - Dead, Alive, or barely breathing.
I am a collector not a dealer, an end-user looking for cues from the first, second, and third catalogs. I will consider anything from perfect original to banged-up user to broken/damaged for parts.
If you have a damaged Palmer, please don't trash it, it can either be restored and if not able to be saved, the parts can be used to save another Palmer.
I am interested in Palmers regardless of condition, as well as parts if you have anything.
Not all Palmers carry identification. If you are unsure whether or not your cue is a Palmer, I can identify it from a picture.
If you have a Palmer for sale or have a lead on one, send me a PM.
Thanks for looking and thanks in advance for your leads.
This question mentions the following businesses:
Palmer Cues Wanted
Replies & Comments
user1523547934 on 4/12/2018 11:51:44 AM
I have a Titleist Plamer cue for sale.
It is in almost-mint condition.
If you are interested, let me know, and I can send you some pics.
Type79 on 4/12/2018 6:53:58 PM
@user1523547934 - Can you post pics of your Palmer cue?
I am always looking for interesting Palmer or Paradise cues.
user1550320264 on 2/16/2019 4:31:04 AM
I have a couple of Palmer cues.
One is a Palmer Model M but it is kinda rough. I have another which I have not been able to identify but is in really really nice shape. I might have one or two more in storage as well.
I'll upload some photos as soon as I have some time this evening.
Let me know if you are interested in them!
Type79 on 2/16/2019 7:33:58 AM
Thanks for responding. I look forward to seeing pictures of your cues.
user1556161974 on 4/24/2019 8:32:51 PM
I have a bunch of old Palmer cues and Pete Margo cues. Send me a message and I can send you some pics.
I just posted 2 Palmer cues and a bunch of Pete Margo cues for sale in the "for sale" section. Overall probably have about 10 palmers.
Second photo is a pile of my other Palmer cues.
Type79 on 4/25/2019 4:40:13 AM
Thanks for posting those pictures. The Bullet cues look nice but I only collect the earlier cues. You might do well by listing those for sale on eBay.
user1556161974 on 4/25/2019 11:17:17 PM
Understandable, thought you might be interested in my #9 catalog 1 or my #7 catalog 3, which were pictured with the bullets.
I have a good friend with many old custom Palmer cues, Doc Fry cues, and Frank Paradise cues as well.
Type79 on 4/26/2019 3:20:43 AM
Palmer Model 9? I own a First Catalog Palmer Model 9, but I don’t see one in your photos. The cue to the far right with the Bullet cues is a Third Catalog Model 8.
If your friend wants to sell any of his cues, I would be interested in seeing some pics.
user1556283160 on 4/26/2019 5:52:41 AM
I have my original Palmer 2nd catalog model E cue that I ordered new from Palmer in 1975. It has an extra shaft which I had made by Bill Schick when I lived in Shreveport and a beautiful replacement shaft using the original joint made by a master cue maker in my area.
Sale includes an embossed Palmer cue case.
$750, must go today! More pics on request.
user1547439908 on 4/30/2019 11:42:45 AM
I have a bullet M1 cue in good condition if anyone is interested.
I am not sure about it's weight. It has a few small nicks, but is otherwise in nice condition. I got it from a long time pool player here in Dallas who got it many years ago. I assume it is the original shaft. It has a wood-to-wood joint.
Type79 on 4/30/2019 11:53:54 AM
Just a bit of advice for sellers:
- When offering your cue(s) for sale, it is to your advantage to include the price as well as information on condition.
- How it rolls together and apart,
- Dents, dings, cracks, other damage,
- Non-original shaft(s).
- Specs aren't quite as important on vintage cues as they are on contemporary cues but the weight is important to many players.
- Respond when the buyer inquires. It's just an observation, but it is interesting how many people post in these wanted ads and offer cues for sale and never respond to inquiries.
- When offering your cue(s) for sale, it is to your advantage to include the price as well as information on condition.
user1560007759 on 6/8/2019 8:29:20 AM
I am looking for an identification of a palmer cue.
If you are interested make an offer. You can contact me at
Type79 on 6/8/2019 11:02:01 AM
@user1560007759 - The cue in your question is a Model A Palmer cue.
You can see a few Palmer Model A cues from my collection in another post on this site.
I sent you an email regarding your interest in selling.
user1547439908 on 11/9/2019 8:57:11 PM
Are you interested in a Palmer PB3 cue?
This thing is like new, with only a few small dents, and the original shaft. Unfortunately, it has a small crack in butt.
I will take $325 for it
Is there any way to fix the crack without losing the logo?
Type79 on 11/10/2019 7:21:52 AM
There is no fix for the crack in the butt cap, it must be replaced by a professional cuemaker who would fabricate a new cap. Some cuemakers can actually reproduce the logo. My recommendation would be to keep and use the cue. If you're intent on selling it, you may have to reconsider your price
The later PB Series Palmers were made under contract by Adam of Japan and aren't valued as highly as those made stateside. A few people collect the PB and PM Series but only a few.
In the last year the market has been saturated with new old stock PB and PM cues and it appears those who wanted them bought them. Dozens have lingered for sale on eBay for the last six months. IMO, one of the reasons they haven't sold is because they are listed for 3-4 times their value.
user1574334174 on 11/21/2019 3:02:55 AM
I believe this is a 3rd catalog Palmer Model 11 cue, with a black nylon wrap.
It has a few dings and scratches along the shaft, a tiny amount of rust in the center and unfortunately the butt cap is missing. Otherwise, it seems to be in pretty good shape.
It can certainly be restored.
Brandon Jones on 12/16/2019 1:16:33 PM
@Type79, I have a Palmer cue you may be interested in:
Type79 on 12/16/2019 1:52:39 PM
@user1574334174 - I might be interested in that Palmer Model 11 cue. Contact me at my email address below.
@Brandon Jones - Thanks. Send pictures, details on condition, and your asking price to the email below. I replied under your separate question.
JayType79 on 12/22/2019 6:25:51 PM
I bought the Palmer Model 11 cue shown above, and sent it to Paul Drexler's shop. The shaft was full of dents and the cue needed to be refinished. I also had it re-wrapped in solid black linen.
I picked the cue up from Paul's shop today.
Those who know their vintage cues will know the significance of the long prongs and the red, white, and blue veneers.
user1580079629 on 1/26/2020 3:00:30 PM
I recently picked up a Model 11, but it has a different logo, looks like stamped letters with dashes on each side.
I read somewhere that the early catalog 3 cues used a stamped logo, but the kept having problems with the caps cracking so they went to a screened logo.
Also, the points looks like the cue was made with an imported forearm from Adam/Helmstetter, which I read about on Chris' Palmercollector site.
I’ll try to upload pics soon.
Type79 on 1/26/2020 3:57:40 PM
Sounds like the cue with the black and silver wrap that Matt Czappa just sold.
user1580079629 on 1/26/2020 4:43:30 PM
It is. Any thoughts?
I am also looking for a bumper for the butt cap.
Type79 on 1/26/2020 6:35:59 PM
Palmer had a couple of variations on the "stamped" logo. One was italicized and the other, block letters. Both had dashes before and after.
I believe the forearm on your cue was made by Adam. You can get a proper bumper from Cue Components in Florida.
user1580763231 on 2/3/2020 12:53:52 PM
I have the following Pete Margo Palmer cue. It has a leather carrying bag with zipper and handle.
If you have any interest in it, please let me know.
Type79 on 2/3/2020 1:14:21 PM
Your Pete Margo Palmer cue looks very nice. It is actually part of the "Pete Margo Bullet" line.
Unfortunately, my interests lie in the earlier classic Palmer cues.
kkwood on 2/23/2020 1:56:00 PM
I've been trying to figure out the model and year of my Original by Palmer cue. I'm also looking to understand what it may be worth...
Maybe you can help.
It looks to have never been used and is in brand new condition.
user1584881315 on 3/22/2020 5:48:36 AM
I have a Palmer cue. I don't think it's an older model but maybe you can help me identify it and what it's worth.
supermexnaz on 3/14/2021 7:37:20 PM
I have a gorgeous Palmer PB-3 cue in great shape...
I "might" consider selling it.
user1523547934 on 3/14/2021 10:34:55 PM
I have a gold foil Palmer titleist cue with a leather wrap. It has been refinished.
If anyone is interested in it, let me know and I will post some pics.
Type79 on 3/15/2021 2:30:48 AM
Post some pictures. Thank you.
Jima on 4/6/2021 7:16:10 AM
I have a Palmer PM-4 cue from the early 1980s.
I might be looking to sell if the price is right.
billiardsforum on 7/20/2021 7:30:33 AM
@Type79 - See: Value of an "Original by Palmer" Cue.
It seems like it might be a Palmer cue that you might either be interested in or have some input on.
user1580071402 on 10/16/2021 6:37:57 AM
Some Palmer cue shafts:
Ed Barton on 11/5/2021 11:31:04 AM
I have a custom made Palmer cue that I had made in 1968 and I am wishing to sell it.
From looking at the catalogue, I believe that it is a Palmer model #10 cue, which seems to be quite rare and valuable.
It is in mint condition and still has the foil at bottom with my name, and below that it says "original by Palmer".
Do you have an interest in purchasing the cue? If not, could you recommend a buyer?
Thanks for your response,
Ed BartonHere are the photos of my Palmer cue circa 1968:
Jima on 11/12/2021 4:42:37 AM
I'm still looking to sell my Palmer cue from the early 1980s (see my reply above for the photo).
Thewatt on 1/2/2023 1:59:25 PM
I have a 3rd catalog model #19 Palmer cue that I bought new back in the 1970s and a Fellini ostrich skin case.
user1606351548 on 2/18/2023 11:45:39 AM
I have a beautiful Palmer Model 5 cue from the 3rd Catalog that I will sell. It is the red and black Palmer Model 5 cue from the 3rd Catalog, personalized to "Willie Elder".
It has a brand new $25 Kamui cue tip installed and since then, it has never hit a ball. It rolls straight and hits great, and is in great condition for a 50 year old (plus) cue.
The personalization in the butt sleeve reads
Willie Elders Finest
Original by PalmerI planned on getting back in stroke with it, but never got the free time.
I don't really want to sell it, but I need the cash.
I'll let it go for $350. Let me know if you're interested.
If you want to email me directly, my email is:
user1556283160 on 2/22/2023 1:08:10 PM
I would like to buy back the 2nd catalog Palmer Model E cue that I sold here about 5 years ago (see above).
It has my name "Ken Wantje" embossed in foil under the clear windowed butt, and it was sold with an original Palmer-embossed cue case. It had a shaft made by Bill Schick and a second shaft made by a local master.
If you have it, or know who does, please reach out.
Thank you,
kenwantje59@gmail.comuser1523547934 on 2/22/2023 1:37:16 PM
I have a titleist hoppe palmer with gold label original. Mint with leather wrap refinished by KT Thomas from OB cues . Can send pics if interested.
user1580071402 on 2/22/2023 7:06:29 PM
I have a Palmer Model F cue with two shafts that I'll sell.
I have owned it since 1973, and the cue is all-original with exception of having a ferrule replaced years back.
user1677334837 on 2/25/2023 2:20:37 PM
Here's a Model F Palmer Original cue with two matching shafts:
user1693434767 on 8/30/2023 6:32:48 PM
I have a Palmer cue for sale...
user1702218891 on 12/10/2023 2:34:51 PM
I have these Palmer cues:
DKIII on 11/13/2024 12:08:18 PM
I have one for sale:
Bipooler on 11/25/2024 3:08:21 PM
Are you still looking for Palmer cues?
I have a Palmer Model G cue from the 2nd catalog available in excellent condition.
user1523547934 on 11/25/2024 4:36:35 PM
I still have a Titlist Palmer window cue with a leather wrap.
Let me know if there's any interest.
Palmer Cues Wanted
- Title: Palmer Cues Wanted
- Author: Type79 (Jay Fishbein)
- Published: 4/1/2018 1:40:50 PM