Visit - Billiard Term Definition
Welcome to the billiard, pool, and snooker glossary of terms. This is the definition of Visit as it relates to cue sports. You can also view the entire billiard dictionary
Definition of Visit
Visit is a billiards term that is a part of Billiard Technique Terminology.
In a doubles billiard match, a visit begins when one of the alternating turns players are allowed at the table, before a shot is played that concedes a visit to his/her opponent. A visit ends when that player leaves the table. A visit in a doubles match or any match with alternating billiard players is similar to an inning in a singles billiard match.
See: inning for more on the meaning of "Visit".
Visit - Usage
She cleared the table in just one visit to the table.
Billiards - Visit
- Title: Visit
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 3/22/2007
- Last Updated: 10/24/2007 9:50:10 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum
Visit Comments
RayMills from Seattle, WA on 8/19/2020 5:46:18 PM
So, a doubles team player could have more than one visit in one inning.
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