Threading The Needle - Billiard Term Definition
Welcome to the billiard, pool, and snooker glossary of terms. This is the definition of Threading The Needle as it relates to cue sports. You can also view the entire billiard dictionary
Definition of Threading The Needle
Threading The Needle is a billiards slang term that is a part of Billiard Technique Terminology.
Threading the needle is a term used to describe the action of precise shooting as such that an object ball or the cue ball is carefully shot through a very narrow pathway or otherwise tight situation to it's intended destination. The action gets its name from the precise and delicate task of actually threading a needle whereby you must pass a thread through a very small needle hole.
See: tight, thread the needle, squeeze shot, window for more on the meaning of "Threading The Needle".
Threading The Needle - Usage
Wow, I can't believe you shot that 6 ball through that big mess of balls and made the shot. Yeah, thats what I call threading the needle.
Billiards - Threading The Needle
- Title: Threading The Needle
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 12/27/2007 12:26:17 PM
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