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shexcpoolgawdess Billiard Forum Profile Avatar Image
961 reputation ?
~19.1k people reached


Secret (aka: Shex~c~poolgawdess, Secretluv147)
Occupation: Child Care Worker
Tacoma, WA United States

User Status

  • Offline
  • Last seen 16 years ago
  • Member for 18 years
  • 3979 profile views
  • Member #620

About Me

My real name is "Secret". It's the god honest truth! I'm a 29 year old Asian/Pacific Islander. Raised an army brat. I'm a mother of a 7 year old boy who just like me picked up a cue for the first time at a very young age. I think he picked it up before me at the age of 5. Myself it was the age of 7 and I fiddled with it over the years growing up.

For the last 9 years or so I have been shooting a lot more competitively then casually. There is nothing else that makes me happier then to get on a table and run some balls. It makes me even more happy when my son joins me at the table.

I work in child care and invest a lot of my extra time teaching my son everything about billiards. If I'm not helping him then I'm probably helping one of my many admirers in getting better at pool so that maybe one day they can be as good as me. Or so they say.

Outside of shooting pool, working, and raising my son, my life pretty much consists of a plethora of things. I play any and every sport I possibly can. I love going bowling and definitely way too into football (at least that's what all the guys think - they seem to think that me knowing more abut football then them is an embarrassment....but whatever). I've got a huge passion for cooking. I'm a clean freak and maybe sometimes consume that sleep time I should be using with way too much music downloading. LOL.

I'm a fun loving friendly person. What more can I really say. I guess if you wanna know more then let me know.

Just another woman in the world addicted to life in billiards!

Hobbies: Pool, pool, pool, pool, bowling, basketball, football, volleyball, pool, baseball, and uh pool!

Yahoo Messenger: shexcpoolgawd3ss

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My Vitals

  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 47 years