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kurtain Billiard Forum Profile Avatar Image
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Dan Carter
Occupation: IT Manager
West Dallas, TX United States

User Status

  • Offline
  • Last seen 18 years ago
  • Member for 18 years
  • 2988 profile views
  • Member #579

About Me

Hi All. Dan Here. I love to play pool but time is limited now-a-days. I have been playing pool for about 15 years Well, I guess that is banging balls for 5 and learning for the last 10.

My Grandfather and Aunt got me into playing and starting teaching me. I loved the sport from the first time I picked up a cue.

I lived in Savannah, GA for 8 years and played both Valley and BCA leagues and was the Captain of teams that won state in both Leagues. We finally broke the teams up do to the gaps between our teams and others. Wining is good but at what cost, you know?

Being a pool league team captain can be a hassle at times but overall it was great. We always clashed with each other on who was playing league nights and who was sitting out :mad: but, you put us in an out of town tournament and you would have thought we all loved each other to death We fed off of each others run outs and picked each other up when we were run out on. It was the best family I ever had hands down.

Every year we went to Vegas to play in the North America BCA tourney we always got beat by teams from Texas. I always said it would be nice to watch those guys play in person. Now I am here, I just wish I had the time to go watch and play.

Now that I have moved the teams broke up but we all keep in touch.

I moved to Texas and now do not have time to play. Well, the job moved me, and it is good, but what good can it be if I can't play pool...right? With working 90+ hrs a week it is hard to get anything in as I also have 2 kids as well (8 & 6). I have played a few times over the last few months and was able to still run some racks so that made me feel good. I am hoping in the near future to start playing more and get on a league out here. I miss not playing, until then I will just read about all the good times you guys are having. It is nice to be a part of this site and hear the stories from everyone else. Sorry I rambled. Just happy to be here!


My Gear

  • Playing Cue: Meucci 97-15
  • Jump/Break Cue: Predator Sneaky Pete

My Vitals

  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 49 years