Skill Level for BCA Leagues
12/30/2006 10:16:13 PM
Skill Level for BCA Leagues
I am considering joining a pool league and I am looking at both the APA and BCA pool leagues.
Is there generally a minimum skill level required for people that play in BCA leagues? If so, how does it compare to APA leagues?
Skill Level for BCA Leagues
Replies & Comments
kurtain on 1/22/2007 9:57:07 PM
I have not played in an APA league so I cannot compare, but I have played BCA for 10 years. The skill level of players in the BCA leagues ranges from basic beginner (just learning the game) to the pros.
The pool hall I used to play at had 3 different divisions: beginner, intermediate, and advanced.
I played with my sister on the beginner league, with some of my co-workers on the intermediate league, and with my sponsored team on the advanced league.
There was no minimum skill level to be able to play in a division which I liked due to the fact that I had a lot of friends just starting out that wanted to play.
Skill Level for BCA Leagues
- Title: Skill Level for BCA Leagues
- Author: Milty
- Published: 12/30/2006 10:16:13 PM