Disrespectful - Billiard Term Definition
Welcome to the billiard, pool, and snooker glossary of terms. This is the definition of Disrespectful as it relates to cue sports. You can also view the entire billiard dictionary
Definition of Disrespectful
Disrespectful is a billiards slang term that is a part of Billiard Technique Terminology.
Disrespectful refers to the description of an improbable shot taken by the more experienced player with the line of thinking that the other player is not skilled enough to take advantage of their opponent's missed shot and win the game. This would be considered disrespectful, but legal according to the majority of cue sport rule sets.
Disrespectful - Usage
That was disrespectful the way he expected me not to notice his mistake.
Billiards - Disrespectful
- Title: Disrespectful
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 4/10/2006
- Last Updated: 10/24/2007 9:49:06 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum
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