Cradle Cannon - Billiard Term Definition
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Definition of Cradle Cannon
Cradle Cannon is a billiards slang term that is a part of Billiard Technique Terminology.
A cradle cannon is a form of nurse shot which is typically used in english billiards. In the cradle cannon shot, two colored balls are positioned on one side of the mouth or the other but are not touching. When they are placed on the snooker table as such, they can be successively contacted for a resulting score in a manner that can be repeated over and over again without causing them to move. The official record is held by William Cook with 42,746 points scored.
See: nurse for more on the meaning of "Cradle Cannon".
Cradle Cannon - Usage
I wish we were still allowed to use the cradle cannon trick in tournament play.
Cradle Cannon - Origin and History
Apparently, the cradle cannon billiard shot nurse was first used in 1907 by Walter Lovejoy. However, Tom Reece holds the scoring record for total number of points scored successively by using the cradle cannon shot. His record was set in 1907 over the course of a month, where he scored 499,135 points using the Cradle cannon without missing, before stopping. Immediately after this record was set, the Billiards Association banned the use of the cradle cannon.
Billiards - Cradle Cannon
- Title: Cradle Cannon
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 8/8/2008 9:02:13 PM
Cradle Cannon Comments
FastaFord from Kalgoorlie, Western Australia on 4/20/2023 7:50:36 AM
Though the use of a cradle cannon is banned for mass-scoring, are you still allowed one cradle canon shot?
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