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Service Manual for a Fischer Regent "One Hundred One" Pool Table

Service Manual for a Fischer Regent "One Hundred One" Pool Table

I have a Fischer "Regent One Hundred One" pool table.

I am redoing all of the felt. My ball dispenser needs works. Some balls get stuck when you release the coin mechanism.

It has a one piece slate top

If anyone has info on some sort of manual (LOL) or any info on rebuilding these please drop me a note here.






Service Manual for a Fischer Regent "One Hundred One" Pool Table

Replies & Comments

  1. rbertothyJames Perkins on 4/19/2020 5:01:16 AM

    I completely rebuilt my Fischer Regent pool table. It looks the same as your Fischer pool table.

    The hardest part was rebuilding the ball drop/coin op part as the face is made from that horrible particle board. The sides are decent plywood and make a good pattern.

    Measure the width carefully and take detailed photos also a router is necessary. Removing the assembly and routing the sides will help smooth ball travel around the end turn. It take finesse but once it's done it's great.

    I've detailed the progress in another post - Fischer Regent Coin-Op Pool Table Restoration Project. It has lots of restoration photos of my Fischer pool table.

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Service Manual for a Fischer Regent "One Hundred One" Pool Table

  • Title: Service Manual for a Fischer Regent "One Hundred One" Pool Table
  • Author: (Bob Bertothy)
  • Published: 11/30/2019 6:41:11 PM
  • Last Updated: 4/14/2020 6:40:27 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)