What Brunswick Model is This Pool Table?
3/3/2025 9:58:13 PM
What Brunswick Model is This Pool Table?
What model is this Brunswick pool table?
Is it a good pool table?
Would it have a 3-piece, 1 inch slate?
They are asking $150 for it.
Any info would be much appreciated.
What Brunswick Model is This Pool Table?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 3/4/2025 7:29:07 AM
It is a Brunswick Century pool table from around 1980 in "beech" finish.
It is the "gully" model (and is missing a piece, by the way) vs. the "pocket" model.
See also:
Here's the info from Brunswick's marketing materials:
Brunswick Century Pool Table
- Year of Manufacture: From 1968 To 1995
- Color Options: Walnut, Black or Beech
- Cushion Rubber: Superspeed for pool tables, L-shaped full molded snooker cushions
Sizes available
- 8 Pro options (46" x 92" Playfield)
- Slate: 3 pc. 1" framed, 1 1/4" Brunstone
- Length (in): 105.25
- Width (in): 59.25
- Weight (lbs): 965
- 9 Pro options (50" x 100" Playfield)
- Slate: 3 pc. 1" framed, 1 1/4" Brunstone
- Length (in):113.25
- Width (in):63.25
- Weight (lbs):1023
- 10 Foot options (56" x 112" Playfield)
- Slate: 3 pc. 1" framed, doweled
- Length (in):112
- Width (in):56
- Weight (lbs):1230
- 12 Foot options (70" x 140" Playfield)
- Slate: 3 pc. 1" framed, doweled
- Length (in):139.5
- Width (in):69.5
- Weight (lbs):1920
1977 Manufacturer suggested retail price:
- 9' pocket: $635
- 9' gully: $700
- 8' pocket: $575
- 8' gully: $635
Technical Information
The following info is from the 1980 advertising sell sheet for the Brunswick Century pool table model:
Brunswick, a tradition of quality since 1845, combines precision-engineering and a traditional styling in our professional model Century billiard table.
Built to exacting industry standards and designed for major tournament play, this table features burn, stain and scratch resistant rails, aprons and reinforced legs for lasting durability. Pearlized inlaid sights and two professional style rail-mounted score counters are standard.
Three piece matched, registered and doweled one-inch full sized framed slate provides a permanent level playing surface. Brunswick Super Speed cushions, the standard of the industry, give maximum accuracy and true ball rebound. Professional Pro-Line wool/nylon billiard cloth assures excellent playability and performance.
The Century is available in walnut or beech and in 8 and 9 foot models, with your choice of traditional pocket style or automatic returns.
- Rails: Burn, stain and scratch resistant solid hardwood rails are supported by and bolted through the slate for maximum rigidity. Specially designed floating nut plate allows rails to be precisely positioned and permanently pulled down to the slate.
- Score Counters: Two sets of professional style score counters are flush mounted in the rail.
- Ball Storage Box: Constructed of solid hardwood for fine appearance and durability.
- Legs: Heavy-duty laminated legs have solid wood feet for maximum stability.
- Base frame: Base frame constructed of solid and laminated wood for maximum strength, extends to the extremities of the slate and beneath the rails for maximum support. Rail and apron trim: Satin finished, anodized rail and apron trim helps to prevent rail and apron damage.
- Aprons: Burn, stain and scratch resistant aprons are reinforced for maximum durability.
- Cushions: SuperSpeed, canvas backed cushions, the standard of the industry, provide maximum accuracy, true ball rebound and consistent playability.
- Pockets: Regulation size pockets are secured directly into the rails for longer pocket life. All pocket openings are made to exacting industry standards. Attractive corner castings are made of pebble grained die-cast metal and satin chrome plated for durability.
- Cloth: Professional blend of wool/nylon billiard cloth assures excellent playability and resists wear and tear.
- Sights: Pearlized inlaid sights have a maximum tolerance of 30/1000ths of an inch for accurate play.
- Slate: Three piece matched, registered and doweled, one inch full sized framed slate provides a permanent level playing surface. Slate is precision machined level to within 10/1000ths of an inch and extends underneath the rails for consistent playability.
Source: brunswick.pastperfectonline.com/library/D89F64AC-263A-4394-8130-968910254703
GrandCorbeauTT9 on 3/4/2025 7:58:23 PM
So I ended up buying the pool table for $100.
The side panels including the one missing in front needs work on it. The slate looks good and has no chips or cracks. It is the 1 inch slate with wood backing. The bumpers might need replacing as the glue is letting loose. It will need new cloth obviously. It came with some not-so-decent balls but 4 of them are original Brunswick (3 numbered, and one cue ball).
Do u think in your opinion it was a decent deal or should I have walked away? If I didn't buy it they were going to just cut it up.
Let me know if it was god deal.
billiardsforum on 3/7/2025 12:54:28 PM
Sure, $100 sounds like a fine deal if you're handy and can fix the issues (e.g. fabricate new panels). You won't be able to order those parts from Brunswick for this model.
Also, note that unless it is the 10 or 12 foot version, it isn't actual slate, but rather, it is "Brunstone" - one of Brunswick's slate alternatives. You'll likely not notice any difference, but wanted to point that out.
A professional installation and setup will likely make a world of difference in how the pool table ultimately plays.
GrandCorbeauTT9 on 3/7/2025 8:50:25 PM
It says on the slate "premium slate".
billiardsforum on 3/8/2025 8:25:12 AM
I stand corrected.
Must be an inaccuracy in the marketing materials (which is not uncommon).
GrandCorbeauTT9 on 3/8/2025 8:47:12 AM
I only a few small things that need to be fabricated and the biggest thing is the shelf area that's missing in front. Unless I find a cheap one that was already made, I'll probably just do it myself, as I'm doing all the rest of it.
Everything is going as planned so far. The only thing I'm confused about so far is the cushions. They are supposed to be K-55 cushions but measure more like K-66 cushions. I'm not sure if the Superspeed cushions were replaced. These have the cotton backing and top. I'm guessing these were added later. They are very poorly done as they peeled off or are hanging off as the glue wasn't even hard.
The rubber is good at least. LOL.
Maybe I'll sell them.
What Brunswick Model is This Pool Table?
- Title: What Brunswick Model is This Pool Table?
- Author: GrandCorbeauTT9
- Published: 3/3/2025 9:58:13 PM
- Last Updated: 3/4/2025 7:16:48 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)