Second Hand Brunswick "Century Supreme DD" Pool Table
2/1/2023 4:42:38 PM
Second Hand Brunswick "Century Supreme DD" Pool Table
I live in France, and I would like to buy a second-hand U.S.A. made pool table.
I have the possibility to buy a 9 foot Brunswick "Century Supreme DD" pool table, in black finish.
I have found very little info about that model, except that it has a 1 inch thick premium slate made in Italy. Also, it seems to have a ball return system, but I am unsure on that.
So, I have the following questions:
- Is the Brunswick Century Supreme pool table a good model?
- I'm particularly concerned about the pocket widths. I want them to be as close as possible to those on a "standard competition" pool table.
- Is it made from plywood or solid wood? This is a concern for me as well.
- Does this model have a ball return?
- Does anyone have any other information on this pool table model?
Any insight would be deeply appreciated.
Second Hand Brunswick "Century Supreme DD" Pool Table
Replies & Comments
BallBuster on 2/5/2023 7:19:37 PM
I would hold out for a Brunswick Gold Crown or a Diamond pool table because the cost of installation and messing around with setting-up a pool table isn't worth having to do it more than once.
I don't know about the Brunswick Century Supreme pool table, but if you really want it, get under the table and look at the base construction.
Also note if the slate has a wood backing. If the base is not super sturdy and the slate has no backing, don't buy it.
Pleinlesyeux on 2/6/2023 4:45:05 AM
Thank you for your response.
In France there are very few Brunswick Gold Crown pool tables available second hand. That is why I was wondering if that Brunswick Century Supreme (which is only 40 miles from my home) could be a good choice.
I have these info from the Brunswick website:
- Base frame is constructed of exterior grade laminated wood, stained and sealed for maximum stability.
- Two full-length 2 1/8" thick side beams, 1 ½" thick center beam and six cross supports are all securely bolted together to provide a sturdy support for the slate and cabinet.
- Sturdy aprons with burn, stain and scratch resistant melamine laminate
Does it help?
Thank youbilliardsforum on 2/6/2023 7:58:01 AM
That answers your question about plywood.
Base frame is constructed of exterior grade laminated wood, stained and sealed for maximum stability.
"Exterior grade laminated wood" is plywood.
Even though the "sell sheet" mentions that it would be good for the "posh upscale billiard club" and that it was "designed for major tournament play", the Brunswick Century Supreme was mainly marketed toward the residential market.
A superb combination of engineering and styling that is guaranteed to be a winner with the posh upscale billiard club or the discriminating home user with a flair for interior decorating.
Built to exacting industry standards and designed for major tournament play.
How much does the seller want for the pool table?
The main thing I tell folks - don't get stuck on one specific pool table. If you find one you like at a certain price, take 30 minutes and search around for anything else available in that same price range. You might be surprised.
I guess it is more difficult for you as there wouldn't be as much supply of American-made pool tables in France.
Good luck in your search, and let us know what you ultimately decide.
BallBuster on 2/6/2023 9:12:37 AM
I wouldn't buy it. Keep looking.
Pleinlesyeux on 2/7/2023 12:43:03 PM
Thank you all for the responses.
@BallBuster, can you elaborate?
The seller asks 1000€ for it.
Right now there is:
- a gold crown VI available second hand for 3500€.
- a gold crown 4 available in Germany for 1700€ but I can't seem to be able to get a response from the company.
I have no clue as to how much it would cost to ship to here and to have it professionally installed.
I'm inquiring but folks here just don't respond.
BallBuster on 2/7/2023 1:52:36 PM
Don't get too anxious to buy. You can't get a good deal like that and you'll buy a sub-standard pool table.
The Brunswick Century Supreme has a plywood frame. Don't buy it.
If you look long and hard enough you'll find a Brunswick Gold Crown and get a good deal.
When people move they have to dump their pool table and you can get a great deal but you have to pounce quickly. Have a friend lined-up and ready to help you load it into your truck or a rented trailer. If you have to spend time to coordinate someone to move it for you, the deal will likely be soured.
Learn how to take pool table apart . It's easy. Then, when you get it home, learn how to assemble it, level it, and add cloth to the pool table. That's harder, but doable.
You'll also have to tweak the pool table every now and then and you don't want to have to pay someone every time the balls start rolling off.
Pleinlesyeux on 2/12/2023 3:47:58 AM
OK, so I understand that a plywood frame is absolutely out of the question, hence the Brunswick Supreme is a no-go no matter what?
I had a response from the Germany company and alas, the Gold Crown IV pool table has been sold already. I liked that one because of the 22 leveler points.
I'll keep looking.
It's a shame for the plywood. I really like the look of the black Brunswick Century Supreme pool table.
BallBuster on 2/12/2023 9:59:26 AM
Don't get too anxious to buy.
Just keep looking every day until you find someone who's moving and must sell their pool table as soon as possible.
Be ready to pounce and have cash on hand ready to go.
Pleinlesyeux on 2/12/2023 4:30:12 PM
Thank you.
Like I said, the opportunities to buy a used Brunswick pool table are scarce in France. I'm in contact with two German companies to find a Brunswick Gold Crown III or IV.
Alternatively, there is a Brunswick GC VI pool table for sale not too far from home, although it's a lot more expensive at €3500.
Are the newer Brunswick GC VI pool tables still "the real deal"?
Second Hand Brunswick "Century Supreme DD" Pool Table
- Title: Second Hand Brunswick "Century Supreme DD" Pool Table
- Author: Pleinlesyeux (Francois Zaidi)
- Published: 2/1/2023 4:42:38 PM
- Last Updated: 2/6/2023 7:46:56 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)