Model ID of an AE Schmidt Billiards Table
12/29/2024 5:00:18 PM
Model ID of an AE Schmidt Billiards Table
I've recently purchased an A.E. Schmidt pool table.
I was wondering if anyone could help me ID the model.
I've tried a couple different things but I'm still not sure I'm right. I believe the number of the pool table is 05032
but that may not be the right one.
I'm not sure if anyone can help. If so, that would be great.
Thank you!
Model ID of an AE Schmidt Billiards Table
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 2/22/2025 10:10:58 AM
I can't help you much as I can't see the legs nor the sides of the A.E. Schmidt pool table.
However, based on what I can see, I believe that it's an A.E. Schmidt "Speed King" or an A.E. Schmidt "Streamlined Speed King" pool table model.
The numbers you found (serial number) would include a date code. They usually began with a letter, followed by 4 numbers, so perhaps you mis-read it. Let's see a clear photo of those numbers.
Could the first character possibly be a letter "C"? If that's the case, then it means your pool table was the 232nd pool table made in 1950.
From A.E. Schmidt, regarding the serial numbers:
The serial number C4116, for example, indicates that it was the 216th table built in 1941.
- "A" would be the first 1-99,
- "B" would be 100-199,
- "C" 200-299, and so on.
The 2nd two characters represent the year, and last two characters, the sequence within the range of 1-99 for that group of 100s.
From A.E. Schmidt, regarding the Speed King model:
A.E. Schmidt Speed King / Streamlined Speed King Pool Table
- Manufactured from 1937-1949
- Available in Formica
- Slate Bed: 1" 3 piece
Except for the addition of the wide panels and pocket shields, the Streamlined Speed King is built exactly as is our plain Speed King.
It is substantially constructed of ¾’ plywood and is veneered with American Walnut.
These AE Schmidt "Streamlined Speed King" pool tables are furnished with three piece, one inch slate mounted on well braced, heavy frames; fast, accurate rubber cushions; pocket nets and leathers of the best quality; streamlined blind panels and chrome plated pocket shield. The streamline Speed King may be ordered in 4 x 8, 4 ½ x 9, or 5 x 10 sizes; four legs on the 4 x 8 and 4 ½ x 9 sizes – six legs on the larger, 5 x 10.
Legs, sides and panels are constructed of 3/4’’ laminated plywood, faced with 1/8” Marlite, mahogany finish. Frame and braces are heavy fir lumber, securely laminated and bolted together. Black walnut rail tops, leather covered #6 pocket irons and sag-less leather pocket nets.
Also see these previous questions contain more images and info on the two "Speed King" pool table versions from AE Schmidt:
Model ID of an AE Schmidt Billiards Table
- Title: Model ID of an AE Schmidt Billiards Table
- Author: user1735509616 (J. Wescott)
- Published: 12/29/2024 5:00:18 PM
- Last Updated: 2/22/2025 9:42:54 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)