Steel Pool Table Corner Caps with Eagle
3/5/2019 5:58:23 PM
Steel Pool Table Corner Caps with Eagle
I have found information to identify a rescued pool table we are working on as a 1931 Brunswick Randolph pool table.
However, it came with these steel eagle corner pocket caps that I can not find any info on anywhere.
Does anyone know anything about these?
Steel Pool Table Corner Caps with Eagle
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 3/6/2019 6:26:45 PM
Never seen any like this before.
As you probably already know, the Brunswick Randolph pool table came standard with the #6 pocket irons counter-sunk into the rails.
To my knowldege, it never had steel or aluminum pocket covers like the ones in your photo.
Might have been an after-market customization.
I'll keep my eyes peeled though, and will let you know if I find anything. Let us know if you find anything else as well.
user1551837502 on 3/6/2019 7:13:24 PM
Thank you for helping me continue the search.
As I scrolled hundreds of pictures of pool tables last night I came across the first table I have seen with these same pocket covers. It was on Elvis Presley's pool table at Graceland!
I couldn't find out any more about the history of his table or these pocket covers. I'll keep you posted if I find out anything more.
billiardsforum on 3/7/2019 1:27:35 AM
OK - So the pool table pocket covers are from A.E. Schmidt. More specifically, they are from a 1940's A.E. Schmidt Speed King pool table
Sounds like you have a Frankenstein pool table - half Brunswick Randolph, half A.E. Schmidt Speed King!
user1551837502 on 3/7/2019 5:56:52 AM
Very interesting.
Thank you.
Steel Pool Table Corner Caps with Eagle
- Title: Steel Pool Table Corner Caps with Eagle
- Author: user1551837502
- Published: 3/5/2019 5:58:23 PM
- Last Updated: 3/6/2019 6:21:37 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)