Buying Old or Vintage Dufferin Pool Cues
12/23/2016 5:29:21 AM
Buying Old or Vintage Dufferin Pool Cues
I am looking for older model vintage Dufferin pool cues made in Canada.
I am really looking for the Dufferin flame model and any Dufferin green leafs. Also any that have wraps on the handles.
Please send any my way and I will gladly purchase them for a fair price. It doesn't matter the shape because I like to restore and even do conversions on them.
Reply here with pictures.
As I said I am willing to pay a fair price depending on models and shape of cue. I'm a pool cue collector and also do pool cue restorations and conversions.
Buying Old or Vintage Dufferin Pool Cues
Replies & Comments
user1523547934 on 4/12/2018 11:55:20 AM
I have a gold leaf Dufferin cue. It looks like a snooker shaft on it and it hits a ton!
I can send you pics.
billiardsforum on 4/12/2018 9:18:23 PM
Would you upload a pic or two of the gold leaf Dufferin cue? I'd like to see that.
RUSTY on 8/14/2018 5:58:35 PM
I have an old Dufferin 2-piece cue that I have had for years. I was going to restore it but it looks like way to much work as the finish is cracked and I don't have the proper equipment to restore it properly.
The cue is straight, both butt and shaft, and has a solid hit. Just has a bad finish.
I will sell it, so if anyone is interested drop me a note.
billiardsforum on 8/15/2018 3:37:39 AM
You might want to post a couple pics of your Dufferin cue stick, as well as an asking price. You'll get more response that way.
user1538332788 on 9/30/2018 11:39:49 AM
I am looking to sell this Dufferin pool cue I bought it in 1986. Looking to sell it or at least learn more about this cue.
jbabcock12 on 10/17/2018 10:36:09 AM
I'm still buying Dufferin cues. Just drop me a pic with what price you are asking and we can talk business.
That cue above is a Dufferin Banner model. This is an older cue due to it having only 2 "banners" whereas the newer ones (late 80's- early 90's) have 3 banners. I would be interested in buying this Dufferin cue if the price was fair. I would refinish it and leave as is.
user1542134358 on 11/13/2018 10:39:19 AM
What is the difference between red, green and gold maple leafs on Dufferin cues?
I have a Dufferin ash snooker cue and the maple leaf is gold on that.
billiardsforum on 11/13/2018 5:31:30 PM
According to a few sources, Dufferin used whatever color they happened to have on hand at the time. They have no meaning or relevance to identification of the cues.
Also, anecdotally, Dufferin cues with a green maple leaf are believed to be fewer in number than those with the other colored maple leafs.
There are other beliefs about the maple leaf colors of Dufferin cues, none of which have been proven to my knowledge:
With respect to rarity:
- Red: Common
- Green: Rare
- Black: Very rare
With respect to size:
The difference between the red-leaf Dufferin and the green-leaf Dufferin is the red leaf indicates a 57 inch cue and the green leaf indicates a 58 inch cue. The butt of the green-leaf Dufferin should measure 29-1/2 inches from one end of the wood butt to the other end of the wood butt.
With respect to type of cue and target market:
Back in 1988, I bought 100+ Dufferin cues from the factory. 8 were sneaky petes and 6 were ebony 1-piece cues
- All the regular house cues had red maple leaf logos. and were 57 in.
- All the Dufferin Sneaky pete cues had a green leaf and were 58 inches. It seemed to me they were intended for the US market because they had 13 mm pro taper shafts with the pin in the butt.
- The Ebony 1-piece had WHITE maple leaf logos on a black background - just like every other ebony Dufferin cue I have ever seen. I have never saw a black leaf Dufferin cue. Don't expect that I ever will.
From someone's personal observations on the matter:
I've seen all of the maple leaf colors in Dufferin pool cues, but they are almost always 57"
- Black leaf is almost exclusively on ebony cues
- The older cues have a basic weight stamp like "20" instead of the script
- The older butterfly cues have longer butterfly veneers
- The older cues have thicker handles
From someone's past dealings with the Dufferin factory:
Back in the 1990's when I ordered from the Dufferin factory, they told me there was no difference between the red and green maple leaf colors. It was just whatever they had on hand at a particular time.
user1544016460 on 12/5/2018 1:27:40 PM
jbabcock12 on 12/9/2018 10:28:46 PM
This is not a Dufferin gold leaf emblem cue. Over time the emblem looks as if it's golden in color due to the clear varnish fading or tinting, but it is not.
This is actually a Dufferin silver leaf ebony cue. The silver leaf is the more rare and more expensive cue. Dufferin often used silver leafs on their special or signature cues.
The Dufferin green leaf cues are a little more common, and the red leaf was used on most all common models.
I have seen only one true Dufferin gold leaf cue that was on a special model cue and I have never seen another like it. I collect these cues and have certain models in both red and green leaf versions. This hints to the fact that the Dufferin factory sometimes just threw on whatever was available on the cues made at the time.
I'm still looking for these Dufferin cues and will pay fair prices to purchase them.
user1542134358 on 12/10/2018 8:43:07 AM
Interesting, I just took a good look at my "gold" leaf Dufferin cue, and you are right, it probably is silver.
john lindsley on 12/27/2018 2:01:35 PM
I have a green Leaf Dufferin pool cue in mint condition that is for sale.
More pictures of the Dufferin cue are found in the for-sale post:
user1549662204 on 2/8/2019 1:43:24 PM
I'm also in the market for Dufferin cues.
Specifically, a green leaf cue with no wrap and points.
buteo on 10/17/2019 6:38:24 AM
I have a white or silver leaf Dufferin cue with a butterfly splice that I just posted.
Also need help with: Info on Dufferin "Silver Anniversary" Cue (and Others)
Wondering if anyone can help provide some info.
uxbridgechris on 12/12/2019 5:34:34 PM
I’ve been looking in the local classified to replace a standard Dufferin red leaf cue that my parents bought me in 1988.
I came across a Dufferin silver leaf cue with a gold coloured wrap that I just had to buy. It’s in transit to me now. I haven’t seen another like it.
I actually found this forum when googling it.
I will post pics when the cue arrives.
billiardsforum on 12/12/2019 5:45:04 PM
Awesome. Looking forward to seeing it!
buteo on 12/19/2019 9:29:30 AM
@jbabcock12 - If you want to send me your email address I could send you some photos of some silver and red leaf Dufferin cues I'm thinking of parting with.
Some photos of them are already on this site:
They have a hop, but are in great shape. I'm not a talent with working on cues but I live in Ontario and see vintage Dufferin cues a lot and grab them when cheap.
jbabcock12 on 12/20/2019 6:51:17 AM
Sure, I'd love to see what you have and would be willing to part with.
Just let me know and send me those pics. LOL.
My email address is:
user1549662204 on 12/20/2019 6:58:08 AM
I'm also interested in vintage Dufferin cues.
uxbridgechris on 12/22/2019 5:09:39 PM
So what do you think of this Dufferin cue gents?
I bought this one sight unseen for $45 shipped. It certainly wasn’t what I thought it was. I was told it had a silver maple leaf and it does - a sticker. LOL.
It also has a small tip - 11.5 mm.
It is straight as an arrow though, and in extremely good condition.
A pic of the Dufferin sticker.
David Duke on 12/29/2019 4:15:45 PM
I also have what appears to be a Dufferin gold leaf 20 oz cue.
I know nothing of the history except that it was my stepdads who passed away 2 years ago. I was doing some research on it so I could list it on eBay when I came across your post.
If you are interested in buying it let me know and I will hold off on eBay for a couple of days until I hear from you.
jbabcock12 on 12/29/2019 7:10:49 PM
@David Duke - This is a silver leaf ebony cue. The leaf appears to be gold due to the varnish's aging process.
This is the most sought after cue Dufferin has. Most people want it to preform conversions on. This is a really nice cue.
What would be your asking price on this cue?
David Duke on 12/30/2019 5:53:29 PM
Well since my knowledge is very limited in this area would you mind telling me what a fair price is and if you are interested? Thank you.
user1549662204 on 12/31/2019 2:56:19 AM
I'd be interested in the cue also, but I don't want to price your item for you.
Those were most likely Dufferin conversion cues, and they go for a lot higher than the factory 2-piece Dufferin cues.
uxbridgechris on 12/31/2019 3:34:04 AM
As the seller, you should never ask a prospective buyer to price your cue. LOL. The seller has the responsibility of pricing an item in my opinion. If you don’t know the value, put the cue on eBay. That is a good metric of value.
FYI, for this cue, we are not talking big money here, just in case you thought you may be able to take your family to Hawaii on the proceeds. LOL.
David Duke on 12/31/2019 7:24:15 AM
Well, I found one ebony Dufferin silver leaf cue on eBay for $480, and another on AZB from a post in 2016 for $525.
How about $250?
uxbridgechris on 12/31/2019 7:41:55 AM
I regularly see Dufferin silver leaf cues in the classifieds (usually Kijiji) here in Canada selling from $25 to $100 CAD.
IMO, it is worth $100 max, for a mint specimen.
Put it up on eBay, in a 7 day auction and post the link here. That will yield your best result and at the end of the day you won’t wonder if you left money on the table.
buteo on 12/31/2019 9:45:11 AM
Yes, I would agree with @uxbridgechris.
I look for these on the Ontario Kijiji site all the time. I pay anywhere from $25 to $80 CAD when I purchase one. If I get them mailed then it is another $25 for postage. It is a nice cue.
They are solid old school cues. Most new pool players seem to prefer newer or flashier cues, but older experienced players know these are made from quality wood.
David Duke on 1/18/2020 3:31:34 PM
OK. Will do, and thanks for the help.
I just put the cue on eBay:
The listing:
Vintage Dufferin Silver Leaf Ebony Cue, 2-Piece, 20 oz, 58in Long, With Cue Case
This is a silver leaf ebony Dufferin cue. The leaf appears to be gold due to the varnish's aging process. This is the most sought after cue Dufferin has. Most people want it to preform conversions on. This is a really nice cue, and it is in good shape. Condition is Used.
uxbridgechris on 1/27/2020 4:44:45 PM
What happened to the auction. Link isn’t working.
billiardsforum on 1/27/2020 4:47:06 PM
It works for me, but bidding has ended on the item as of Jan 25th, 2020.
It sold for $127.50 with 26 bids.
uxbridgechris on 1/27/2020 4:58:06 PM
Okay, good. Ya, you are almost always going to get top dollar on eBay.
user1584064787 on 3/12/2020 6:59:47 PM
My dad is looking to sell his Dufferin Banner pool stick, and to get a price on it.
Can anyone help determine how much it is worth?
diorzuko on 5/10/2020 12:42:39 AM
18 ounce Dufferin:
user1601294555 on 9/28/2020 5:02:36 AM
I am curious to know whether this Dufferin cue is truly a Dufferin gold maple leaf cue.
I read up above in the comments that the Dufferin silver maple leaf cues usually fade and then look gold.
Can you identify this Dufferin cue for me by looking at the pictures posted?
jbabcock12 on 9/28/2020 6:34:13 PM
@user1601294555 - Your Dufferin cue is definitely a silver leaf Dufferin cue.
More specifically, it is the Dufferin silver ebony cue. It's the most popular and sought after cue that Dufferin made. It is especially wanted for cue conversions. This cue sells for anywhere between $50 and $250 dollars. Converted over, I've seen them for sale for closer to $500.
This cue you have here needs repair but even so, it's still worth a pretty penny.
If there are any other questions about your silver leaf Dufferin cue, please feel free to ask me.
tlboothby2 on 11/24/2020 12:59:56 AM
I will trade this Dufferin cue for a Dufferin sneaky Pete cue with no target joint.
jbabcock12 on 12/3/2020 10:34:12 PM
Im sorry but the only few true Dufferin sneaky Pete cues I have are Dufferin green leaf cues. Also they are more sought after and more rare than these cues here. This is what the newer Dufferin brand (overseas made) calls the "flame" model. Simply due to the butterfly inlays just over the maple leaf emblem on the butt if the cue.
It's a nice cue but I already have several like this.
Let us know if you find yourself a trade.
tlboothby2 on 12/14/2020 12:34:27 AM
Thanks for the info. I also have these Brunswick medalist and 1967 varsity cues.
jbabcock12 on 1/16/2021 3:44:40 PM
@tlboothby2 - Did you ever find yourself a trader for a true sneaky Pete cue?
Also does it have to be a Dufferin brand cue?
Let me know because I have several true sneaky Pete's that are not Dufferin cues which are equal in value that I would trade you for.
Thanks, and I look forward to hearing back from you.
user1620909304 on 5/13/2021 12:35:04 PM
I have these four older Dufferin house cues if you're interested.
bvories23 on 7/27/2021 4:47:38 PM
@jbabcock12 - I came across your thread while looking for a specific Dufferin cue model that my grandfather bought me as my first 2 piece cue.
Is there any chance you have a straight 21oz red leaf Dufferin Zodiac cue with a good finish that you would be willing to part with?
Cueistic on 8/6/2021 10:27:09 AM
I have this Dufferin cue that I'm refinishing.
If you're interested in it, I will need $250 for it when it's done.
It's a conversion cue.
- It will have an updated ferrule on the brand new shaft and a 3/8" x 10 joint pin in it.
- The aluminum collar will be changed out to a tan fiber material.
- The handle is curly maple. It is hard to see in the pics but with the new finish on it, it stands out well.
- The forearm is an incredible piece of cocobolo and the figure is exceptional.
- The new shaft is a very high-end shaft that I made myself. It has a very high grain count, has been 1/4 sawn, and stress relieved. It will hit very very well.
user1643567970 on 1/30/2022 10:39:31 AM
Here's my 16 oz Dufferin Cue:
user1650966610 on 4/26/2022 2:50:10 AM
I am trying to find the value of a Dufferin cue, and might be willing to sell it if anyone wants to make an offer.
ddfield on 5/1/2022 9:32:54 PM
I have what appears to be a gold-leaf Dufferin cue from the 1990s which I am trying to find the value of.
I might be interested in selling it if you're interested.
readmetxt on 7/7/2022 5:11:14 AM
I have a silver-leaf dufferin snooker cue that I am trying to put a date to.
Let me know if anyone has any info.
user1658977733 on 7/28/2022 3:08:53 AM
Here are two older Dufferin pool cues I would sell:
user1662243324 on 9/3/2022 3:15:25 PM
Is a 21oz Red Leaf Dufferin Zodiac pool cue a sought after cue?
Also, do you know what years they were made in?
Cueistic on 9/3/2022 11:55:02 PM
The Dufferin Zodiac cues are getting more and more recognition these days.
I would estimate that they were made mostly between the mid 1980s to the early 1990s.
I buy them here all the time for between $40 to $50 however, so they're not that valuable.
Bent2Bits on 9/14/2022 8:38:46 PM
I was wondering if anyone had any information on a Dufferin cue I just bought, and could let me know if it's worth restoring?
Madhatr1978 on 10/3/2022 11:11:17 AM
Can anyone tell me a bit about my Dufferin Silver Leaf cue?
If I am not mistaken, the straight points and window must be ebony. I am thinking that it is from the mid 1980s. I just bought it in an auction and it is nice and straight. The finish is a bit cracked, so I would also like recommendations for a refinish or conversion of this one.
user1666202344 on 10/19/2022 10:59:05 AM
I wrapped this one myself.. What's your take on this green leaf?
ddfield on 10/19/2022 11:56:15 AM
It looks very nice. Great color choice with the green.
I believe the green leaf is one of the more rare Dufferin logos and would be sought after by serious vintage Dufferin cue collectors.
I have a gold leaf Dufferin cue, and two silver leaf Dufferin cues. The green doesn't come up for sale too often, it seems.
Rosaleen Linden on 4/28/2023 7:14:25 AM
I have this Dufferin cue:
user1684263135 on 5/16/2023 3:08:04 PM
Bought this Dufferin cue a few years ago in a vintage store.
Does anyone know the approximate value?
SCOTT1 on 10/8/2023 12:38:24 AM
I have a vintage Dufferin green leaf pool cue for sale.
I am asking $400 for it.
user1703018085 on 12/19/2023 3:34:47 PM
I have this 20 oz Dufferin cue. It is a 20 oz Dufferin Banner cue with a red maple leaf
It was my uncles cue. He passed on, and the cue is now in my possession. It has never seen any action, and is just like it was the day my uncle purchased it from the pool cue store.
If you're interested, make me an offer.
bvories23 on 12/19/2023 5:27:32 PM
@user1703018085 - If the cue has never seen any action, why is there a very obvious chalk ring on the ferrule?
$25 is my offer for the Dufferin Banner cue.
SCOTT1 on 12/28/2023 11:51:25 AM
My vintage Dufferin green leaf pool cue with Irish wrap is still for sale for $100.
user1710984406 on 3/20/2024 9:26:49 PM
I have two Dufferin cues.
- I custom ordered the one with the gold leaf (and yes, it’s a real gold leaf Dufferin cue) in 1986. At that time I paid $350 for it. It is a 17 oz cue with a 10 mm tip.
- The second one was a gift. It has an inlaid gold (looking) medallion and weighs 20 oz with a 10 mm tip.
Both have been used strictly for snooker.
user1724189771 on 8/20/2024 5:36:13 PM
I have a Dufferin cue and I am looking to sell it.
CJJayne on 2/9/2025 12:41:23 AM
I have a Dufferin "Play Tru Royal" pool cue that I am wanting to sell, but I need to know what it's worth first.
Thank you!
Buying Old or Vintage Dufferin Pool Cues
- Title: Buying Old or Vintage Dufferin Pool Cues
- Author: jbabcock12 (Jeff Babcock)
- Published: 12/23/2016 5:29:21 AM
- Last Updated: 10/17/2018 2:39:38 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)