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What New Pool Cue Tips to Use?

What New Pool Cue Tips to Use?

I drifted away from pool/snooker years ago but my young sons have developed an interest. Ergo, I picked up some used pool cues which I need to rejuvenate with new tips etc. I/we are not professionals but I would like to use decent tips that aren't too expensive for my pension.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

What New Pool Cue Tips to Use?

Replies & Comments

  1. Roddybilliardsforum on 4/29/2018 2:16:43 PM

    Hi Roddy, welcome to the Billiards Forum and welcome back to cue sports.

    When it comes to pool cue tips there is a ton of variation and what you choose is highly tied to personal preference. What feels great to one player may seem poor to the next. Most big brand pool cue tips on the market today are of high quality, so you'll be covered on that front no matter what you choose.

    The top rated cue tips on amazon.com are Elk Master (a Tweeten product) and Le Pro pool cue tips. I have used both, and they are both great. They are both trusted brands that have been around a long time and are have been leaders in the category.

    Here are the top three on amazon.com in the Billiard Cue Tips category:

    1. Elk Master 13mm Pool Billiard Cue Tips
    2. Tweeten Elk Master Soft Leather Billiard/Pool Cue Tips, Box of 50
    3. 13 MM Le Pro Pool Cue Stick Tips - Set of 10

    Or you can view all, sorted by highest rated

    If you still want to read opinions, check the pool cue tips discussions. Here are just a few of the topics related to your question. As you can see it has all been discussed before:

    Happy reading and let us know what pool cue tip you chose and how you liked (or disliked it).

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What New Pool Cue Tips to Use?

  • Title: What New Pool Cue Tips to Use?
  • Author: (Rod Brunton)
  • Published: 4/29/2018 1:01:42 PM
  • Last Updated: 4/29/2018 7:12:02 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)