Has anyone tried Milk Dud Tips?
6/8/2012 2:37:10 PM
Has anyone tried Milk Dud Tips?
Has anyone out there tried Milk Dud Tips? I usually use Moori or Kamui tips, but I noticed that one of my favorite cues needed a new tip a few weeks back and I was out of Moori and Kamui tips. I didn't want to wait to use the cue and I remembered that I had some Dudley Tips(Milk Duds) that I bought a while back from Muellers online. I bought them because a few people had mentioned using them to me and how happy they were with them. The tip was a little difficult to shape originally, but since then it has held its shape quite well, with very little follow up work. The tip holds chalk extremely well and plays like a medium tip.The tip "grabs" the cue ball quite well. It's not too soft like an Elkmaster and not too hard like a LePro. I must say, I am not going to stop using Moori or Kamui, but I now have Milk Duds on three of my cues and they all have performed exceptionally well. They are also much cheaper than most tips on the market and that is obviously a plus, also. If you have used them, tell me what you think of them and where you buy them.
Has anyone tried Milk Dud Tips?
Replies & Comments
bogart sucaldito on 6/8/2012 6:04:34 PM
Nope, sorry I haven't tried one before.... But I will definitely try to get a hold of one... It's not layered right?
BilliardsBill on 6/9/2012 9:35:26 AM
No it is not a layered tip. They are made from Elkmaster tips which are soft leather tips. They are soaked in milk and then pressed into a basically medium tip which retains its shape and holds chalk quite well. They are quite good when the process is done correctly.
2ballrun on 6/9/2012 4:34:58 PM
I have used them. I like them. I don't have one mounted now, I'm usind a Kamui black soft at the moment. If you like to spin the ball they are ptrtty good. They don't last a very long though. They are cheap enough that you won't care if you go through them a little quicker.
BilliardsBill on 6/15/2012 10:04:45 PM
Soft Black Kamui tips are my overall favorite tips. I also like soft Moori tips. Most of my cues have one of these tips on them, but I have over 30 cues, so I like to experiment. I have three or four cues that now have a milkdud on them and I also have a cue with an Aramith medium tip and one with a Hercules medium tip. The Aramith is a good tip, but expensive. The Hercules is cheap, but I don't like it enough to buy more of them. I am currently waiting on some soft Wizard tips. I've heard some good things about them.
thailandcues on 6/17/2012 7:15:05 AM
I haven't tried this Dud. But i agree with you about the Wizard tips. Worth a try, Bill.
guest on 7/4/2012 1:45:39 AM
Milk Dud Tips... check it out!
bogart sucaldito on 7/22/2012 5:29:28 PM
The Brunswick tip for me is very soft so I press it first and works very good for me. It holds chalk very well. I haven't met anyone here in the Philippines who knows about milk duds.
Is there another name for it?
BilliardsBill on 7/22/2012 6:29:26 PM
Milk Dud tips are Elkmaster tips that are soaked in milk, usually for 24 hours and then pressed in a vice or tip press for usually 48 hours until the tip changes from a soft tip to a medium to medium-hard tip.
shortyz50 on 2/17/2013 4:12:52 PM
I've tried the Muellers Dudleys. I put one on because it was all i had at the time. I'm a Kamui brown, triangle fan. I gotta say I was impressed with the Dudley.
I used Kamui brown med for the longest time with no complaints and decided to try a Kamui black med on one shaft and a Dudley on my other shaft since I was out of tips. The Dudley actually requires waaay less effort to draw the ball than the Kamui black med. Yeah when you first install them they aren't the prettiest but after a few games they don't lose their shape and always hold a lot of chalk.
I haven't tried pooldawg8s yet but I'm sure I will. They look like they are pressed better but who knows. I put this tip on expecting o cut it right back off but for the money I'm impressed.
thailandcues on 2/18/2013 12:31:39 AM
Depend on your feeling about the tip .. or even cues, bro. brand name is just about thinking. I'm using Predator now. It's nice design and 8 layers embed.
shortyz50 on 2/18/2013 11:28:53 AM
Whats the hardness like on those predator tips? Like compared to a Kamui or Moori...
BilliardsBill on 2/20/2013 7:20:28 PM
I've tried the Predator soft tips and I like them. They remind me more of the older Moori tips than Kamui.
user1484160067 on 1/11/2017 1:41:08 PM
I just tried the medium RJH pool cue tips (of Brooklyn). The hit is mid-firm but it "feels" a bit grippier.
They are almost as hard as a triangle pool cue tip, imho. I like it.
Mr. Brizzi on 11/4/2017 9:18:36 PM
I won't use anything else. Here is how I make my own milk dud pool cue tips. Very simple. Common directions are to soak in milk 24 hours; Press 24 hours. I have found that my variation is a bit more to my liking.
I make milk dud tips during heat waves of summer. Start with Elk Master tips. Use 220 grit sandpaper and in figure eight motion rub the tip base until white color is seen. Then into a plastic cup. I make four at a time because I have four c-clamps. Once the tips are in the plastic cup, pour milk to cover the tips completely. Some tips float, so do not be alarmed. Into the refrigerator for twenty-four hours. Remove and lightly rinse with water. Shake excess water off. Place into c-clamp. Turn the thumbscrew as tight as possible, trying to keep the tip somewhat in alignment and not too lopsided. Into direct sunlight. Turn the thumbscrew every three hours and tighten as hard as possible.
When the sun goes down, bring the clamps inside so that dew will not enter the leather tips. Keep applying pressure and tighten every three hours. When you wake up, tighten again. Three hours keep doing that until twenty-four hours pass from the time you started applying pressure. Then release the tip and the top will look like chrome. Tap with your fingernail, and you can hear the hardness. Then back to 220 grit sandpaper and in figure eight, dress the base. I also mount a ferrule pad. Either 0.031 inch or 0.015 inch fiber pads.
Dress both sides on 220 sandpaper. Your fingertips will burn a bit from friction. Wipe the tip base and both sides of the ferrule pad. Use a Tweeten ferrule sanding tool for alignment and clean the cue ferrule mounting surface. Wipe with a cloth when clean. Use Loc-Tite (Red) super glue liquid. It is fast. Mount the pad to the tip. Then masking tape carefully on the cue ferrule. Use a Dremel tool and pliers to hold tip and carefully dress the pad. Then apply the tip to the cur ferrule. Hold with hand pressure for one minute. Dremel can trim the tip to size of the ferrule by rotating the cue shaft and keep the alignment of the dremel grinding wheel. Once done, edges of the tip can be sealed with exterior carpenter's glue. A tiny drop on the tip of your finger and look at the tip as you roll the edge. It will dry almost instantly. It seals the edge. Then with Dremel tool, freehand start shaping the tip at forty-five degree angle while rotating the cue shaft. Then dress the top of the tip.
Then use a curved cue tip shaper, holding one edge on the masking tape so as not to mar the cue ferrule. Once the side is dressed, hold the cue tip shaping tool perpendicular to the cue and dress the top. When finished, I use a leather awl, to tap the tip. Many taps, so be careful not to harpoon your fingers. Then chalk the tip and go enjoy a rack.
The ferrule pad, is optional and will require care so as not to overheat and chip the cue ferrule. Ferrule pad can be omitted. The sound and contact of the tip to the cueball, is distinctive, and sweet. Making milk duds without a heat wave will be good, but remember to make tips when the heat waves are upon you, and stock up. You will not regret it.
billiardsforum on 11/4/2017 10:02:03 PM
@Mr. Brizzi, this is great. Thanks for the detailed instructions on how you make your own milk dud pool cue tips. Going to give this a try next summer.
Mr. Brizzi on 11/5/2017 5:33:19 AM
You're welcome. Milk duds can be made at any time during the year however, it is my opinion and belief that heat as well as pressure, both play a role. During heat waves, the c-clamps will heat up in the direct sunlight. If you make the milk duds any other time, they will be nice but, during a sweltering heatwave, they come out really nice. Best of Luck, making and enjoying the milk duds.
billiardsforum on 11/5/2017 5:54:03 AM
True, and I guess you could apply an alternate heat source as well...
blakebilliards on 2/29/2020 5:48:42 AM
I made my own version of a Milk Dud tip. I call it an "Almond Joy".
I did not use the sun for baking, and it did not take me a long time to press and dry mine. I did, however, soak it for 36 hours in my own solution. It is now a medium tip with a distinct popping sound rather than the "thud" sound a regular Elkmaster tip makes.
I have way better cue control than I did with any other pool cue tip on the market. I've tried all types of tips and find the Almond Joy is exactly what I am looking for. I call it an Almond Joy because of the solution I use.
I recommend this pool cue tip to all up-and-comers. Everyone else has pretty much committed themselves to whatever they've been using already.
Has anyone tried Milk Dud Tips?
- Title: Has anyone tried Milk Dud Tips?
- Author: BilliardsBill (William Lindan)
- Published: 6/8/2012 2:37:10 PM