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Meucci Cue Repair Service Recommendation

Meucci Cue Repair Service Recommendation

Can someone recommend a pool cue repair person or shop to fix a Meucci pool stick?

It's the one with a red dot on the shaft.

Meucci Cue Repair Service Recommendation

Replies & Comments

  1. user1624328485billiardsforum on 6/30/2021 4:07:40 AM

    It depends on what you're looking to have done, and where you're located (and whether or not you want to ship the cue off to someone for repair).

    Is it just a ferrule or pool cue tip replacement? Any qualified cue maker or cue technician can help you with that.

    Is it a full restoration and/or refinish? If so, you'll want to choose from someone who specializes in Meucci cue refinishing:

    But depending on what is needed, it might be able to be handled by a local cue repair shop, depending on where you're located.

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Meucci Cue Repair Service Recommendation

  • Title: Meucci Cue Repair Service Recommendation
  • Author: (Keith Jackson)
  • Published: 6/21/2021 7:21:26 PM
  • Last Updated: 6/30/2021 3:52:37 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)