Planning new Pool Tournaments, Need BCA Rules Clarifications
5/10/2020 10:34:08 AM
Planning new Pool Tournaments, Need BCA Rules Clarifications
I will be hosting some new 8 ball and 9 ball pool tournaments and we'll be utilizing BCA rules.
I need some clarifications on the following scenarios:
Editor's Note: Individual questions have been created for each of the questions below, and categorized under their respective game. Please post answers individually under each one.
8 Ball Scenarios:
- Table is open, shooter makes his called shot and slops-in a ball from the other group, is the table still open?
- What is current BCA rule for placement of cue ball for ball-in-hand? I am being told that ball-in-hand location after scratch on the break has been changed, allowing the player to place the cue ball anywhere on the table instead of just "within the kitchen".
9 Ball Scenario:
Remember it's BCA rules, and I'm not asking for specific rules, not opinions.
Planning new Pool Tournaments, Need BCA Rules Clarifications
Replies & Comments
RayMills on 5/13/2020 7:32:20 AM
Most of your questions are answered by the "General Rules" section which applies to about 8 different games, including Scotch Doubles and Wheelchair play.
I've answered in the individual posts linked above.
billiardsforum on 6/2/2020 3:39:36 PM
The WPA is the official world governing body of pool.
The BCA officially follows the World Pool-Billiard Association rule sets. When you go to various BCA websites, their rules all either link-to, or reference the WPA rules.
I would recommend stating to your league that these are the rules the tournaments will follow. They are becoming (or already are) ubiquitous in cue sport.
I'm in the process of adding the relevant parts from their rule sets to your questions linked above.
Planning new Pool Tournaments, Need BCA Rules Clarifications
- Title: Planning new Pool Tournaments, Need BCA Rules Clarifications
- Author: LuckyP
- Published: 5/10/2020 10:34:08 AM
- Last Updated: 6/2/2020 5:02:58 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)