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2020 BCA Rules for Ball-in-Hand Location After Scratching on the Break Shot

2020 BCA Rules for Ball-in-Hand Location After Scratching on the Break Shot

I will be hosting 8-ball pool tournaments utilizing BCA rules and need some clarification:

I am being told that the ball in hand location after a scratch on the break shot has been changed to allow the incoming player to place the cue ball anywhere on the table instead of just from "within the kitchen".

What is current BCA rule for ball in hand location after scratching on the break shot?

I am looking specifically for the BCA 8-ball rules, not opinions. I'd like the specific rules of 8 ball which apply to the question.

This question relates to the following billiard rules:

2020 BCA Rules for Ball-in-Hand Location After Scratching on the Break Shot

Replies & Comments

  1. LuckyPRayMills on 5/13/2020 7:32:20 AM

    The BCA "General Rules" of pool applies to this question.

    General Rules (all games unless otherwise specified)

    1-21 Penalties for Fouls

    1. If you commit a foul, or otherwise violate the rules, you are penalized according to the General Rules and the specific rules of the game being played.
    2. Unless otherwise stated in the General Rules or specific game rules, if you commit a foul or otherwise violate the rules: your inning ends and your opponent receives ball in hand.

    Source: playcsipool.com/uploads/7/3/5/9/7359673/official_rules_of_csi__170714_.pdf

    Note that the phrase "Behind the head string" is not mentioned in 8-Ball except when breaking.

  2. LuckyPbilliardsforum on 6/2/2020 4:20:07 PM

    The WPA is the official world governing body of pool. The BCA officially follows the World Pool-Billiard Association rule sets. When you go to various BCA websites, their rules all either link-to, or reference the WPA rules. My answer will follow those.

    As you'll see below, it's "behind the head-string" (which actually includes balls on the headstring).

    But you should note - there are usually more options for the incoming player besides just having ball-in-hand when the breaking player fouls.

    Here is the full eight ball rules blurb for the break shot, with my emphasis on the the relevant parts, which should illustrate what I am talking about:

    3.0 Eight Ball

    3.3 Break Shot

    The following rules apply to the break shot:

    • (a) The cue ball begins in hand behind the head string.
    • (b) No ball is called, and the cue ball is not required to hit any particular object ball first.
    • (c) If the breaker pockets a ball and does not foul, he continues at the table, and the table remains open. (See 3.4 Open Table / Choosing Groups.)
    • (d) If no object ball is pocketed, at least four object balls must be driven to one or more rails, or the shot results in an illegal break, and the incoming player has the option of:
      1. accepting the table in position, or
      2. re-racking and breaking, or
      3. re-racking and allowing the offending player to break again.
    • (e) Pocketing the eight ball on a legal break shot is not a foul. If the eight ball is pocketed, the breaker has the option of
      1. re-spotting the eight ball and accepting the balls in position, or
      2. re-breaking.
    • (f) If the breaker pockets the eight ball and scratches (see definition 8.6 Scratch), the opponent has the option of:
      1. re-spotting the eight ball and shooting with cue ball in hand behind the head string; or
      2. re-breaking.
    • (g) If any object ball is driven off the table on a break shot, it is a foul; such balls remain out of play (except the eight ball which is re-spotted); and the incoming player has the option of
      1. accepting the table in position, or
      2. taking cue ball in hand behind the head string.
    • (h) If the breaker fouls in any manner not listed above, the following player has the option of
      1. accepting the balls in position, or
      2. taking cue ball in hand behind the head string.

    If I've misunderstood your question, or anything about this is unclear, feel free to respond with details of what needs clarification.

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2020 BCA Rules for Ball-in-Hand Location After Scratching on the Break Shot

  • Title: 2020 BCA Rules for Ball-in-Hand Location After Scratching on the Break Shot
  • Author:
  • Published: 5/10/2020 10:34:08 AM
  • Last Updated: 6/2/2020 4:24:12 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)