Having Trouble with My Jump Shot
12/18/2008 5:03:48 PM
Having Trouble with My Jump Shot
I am having a terrible time trying to learn the jump shot. I can hit very low on the cue ball with the stick flat and jump, but I know that isn't the proper way to do it. Can anyone give me some clues on how to jump right?
Having Trouble with My Jump Shot
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 12/18/2008 5:37:50 PM
Good evening! There are a couple of resources you can have a look at for starters:
To start, there is a billiard jump shot for beginners article in the tips section.
Next, take a look at the various Jump shot threads from the past on this forum:
- Jump shots with a masse twist
- a general how do I do a jump shot question.
I'm going to try to beef up the jump shot articles in the tips section over the holidays. Good luck.
Mitch Alsup on 12/18/2008 7:38:48 PM
Before learning to jump balls, you should be able to:
- make 85 degree angle cuts better than 90% of the time
- draw the ball the length of the table
- use force follow to bounce of a single rail twice
- occasionally run 8 balls in a row
- miscue less than once a night
- 'feel' the difference between blue and green chalk
Learn the above before even beginning to learn to jump.
Now given that you can perform the above: the 'trick' to the jump shot is the release of pressure on the cue at the moment of impact. Note, this is not a slowing of the cue stick at impact, but releasing your grip so that as the tip and shaft deflects away from the cue ball, the rest of the cue obeys this deflection and allows the cue (tip) to get out of the way. You don't need "that much" force at impact, and you do have to hit the cue ball within a 1/2 tip of a line from the center of the cue ball to the center of the tip. That is: the target on the cue ball is about the size of a pencil eraser.
It is very much more like throwing a dart where the release point is the instant of impact of the tip with the cue ball, than any other stroke (other than a serious massé). Because of these effects, having a stick weighting less than 12 oz helps the learning process immensely--and this is why jump sticks were invented.
If you hit the cue ball father off center than described above the cue ball will not jump--the stick will hold the cue ball on the table and it won't jump.
If the cue stick is not free floating in air at impact it is difficult for the cue-ball to leave the table.
All this physics plays out in on-the-order-of 1-2 milliseconds, far faster than a human muscle can react.
homerlee on 12/18/2008 7:57:59 PM
Thanks for the info. I can do most all the prerequisites you mentioned, and I prefer the spruce green master chalk to the blue. In my opinion the blue chalk feels more sticky than the spruce green does. I have Simonis 760 cloth on my pool table so that is making learning the jump shot a little more difficult to learn because it doesn't have any give to it. I play everyday with a friend of mine who has been playing for 30 years and is an excellent player, he can't do a jump shot though, so I want to learn to have a one up on him... LOL.
quickshot on 12/18/2008 8:18:40 PM
Duane: Keep practicing and it will come to you. But, please use a piece of spare cloth on the table so you don't ruin the felt. I have a problem with the shot, but I'm persistence. Every now and then I get it right.
homefried1 on 12/19/2008 8:12:35 AM
Keep in mind. When you jump a ball, all you are doing is bouncing the cue ball off the table. This means you have to first force it down against the table. You shouldnt even attempt it unless you have more experience than it sounds like, not to be mean, but at this point, you dont need it, probably.
homerlee on 12/19/2008 3:03:58 PM
Thanks for your input. But it's not a matter of needing it, it's a matter of wanting it. As long as it's my table and I have the resouces to do so I really think it's my call as to if I need or want to do it.
homefried1 on 12/21/2008 8:32:38 AM
OK. I'll tell you a little exercise to do then to get you started. Stand beside the table at the side pocket. About 1/3 of the way across the table, place 2 balls side by side.
Take your cue ball as a guide and put those two balls just close enough together that the cue ball cant pass thru. Now back up the cue ball and try to jump them the cue ball into the opposite side pocket. This is about the easiest jump you can make. As you get better, put them closer together.
One clue. DON'T try so hard. It is just not that hard to get the ball to jump, don't jack up your stick too much.
Mitch Alsup on 12/21/2008 4:52:24 PM
OK, since you meet the pre-requisites:
Side note: most of the time when the break is performed and draw is applied to the cue ball, you can put a popsicle stick between the cue and the rack and the cue ball will not touch the popsicle stick. Simple draw with a hard stroke will launch the cue ball into the air the height of a couple of coins! Those pock marks on the felt in front of the rack are where this backspinning cue ball is landing just in front of the rack before impact. (and for that mater; heavy top spin can occasionally launch a cue ball during a break--depending on your shaft stiffness and your bridge}
- Be sure that you are aimed directly at the center of mass of the cue ball--not the spot where the center of mass resides on the table. Use a closed bridge. Chalk every attempt. Examine the chalk on the tip afterwards to verify where the tip impacted the cue ball--its gotta be dead center +/- 2mm for the higher jumps.
- For the shot homefried1 gave, the cue-shaft angle only needs to be about 20 degrees from level (10 degrees when you really get the hang of it)
- you have to believe that the cue ball will jump--you have to commit to the shot
- It takes a lot less force that you might think
- The point of impact on the cue ball is paramount
You might try taking a couple of coins and jumping these. As you get the hang of it, add more coins until you have significant height.
Side note: I play on a table with 760 Simonis and a table with slow felt. I have less trouble on the 760 (9-foot table) than on the slow felt (7-foot) table.
Xplosuv on 1/8/2009 8:59:33 PM
I have been reading through about the jump shot and how to do it, and that I consider myself maybe average level player. I was lost in the description of how to do the "jump shot". In layman's terms it seems that you almost hit on the underside of the ball and "lift it" with the tip ?
The more I read through this forum I might be lowering my status of average player to a bit lower... I did not know there was a difference in the color of the chalk... LOL. ...and then I didn't remember how to spell chalk!
Mitch Alsup on 1/10/2009 3:38:32 PM
No, the cue tip impacts the cue ball above the equator (i.e. from the top.)
If you shoot sufficiently low to cause the cue ball to raise up off the table, it is a foul.
quickshot on 1/10/2009 3:53:06 PM
No you're not lowering your status to a lower level, you are upping it by inquiring about something you are not aware of. As for the jump shot read Mitch's post again about 10 times. He explains it well. And I'm still having a problem with the shot. It takes time to master. Have fun with it.
Mitch Alsup on 1/11/2009 1:43:02 PM
Some typical jump shots http://billiards.colostate.edu/high_speed_videos/new/HSVB-3.htm http://billiards.colostate.edu/high_speed_videos/new/HSVB-14.htm http://billiards.colostate.edu/high_speed_videos/new/HSVB-37.htm
Causing the object ball to jump another ball http://billiards.colostate.edu/high_speed_videos/new/HSVB-4.htm
The grip and stroke for jumping (using a jump cue) http://billiards.colostate.edu/high_speed_videos/new/HSVB-5.htm
Jump shot of a rail http://billiards.colostate.edu/high_speed_videos/new/HSVB-8.htm
thin jumps using top spin http://billiards.colostate.edu/high_speed_videos/new/HSVB-13.htm
Justanotherevolutionary on 1/15/2009 7:19:42 PM
I put 2 bed sheets on my table and hit these. I've finally got to the point where I don't hit the table very often anymore, but I still do it just for safety sake. I've gotten pretty consistent with them, but I have something that is bothering me about the legality of the shot. When I used to hit them I could notice the ball was like riding up the shaft, I finally came to realize I had this little flick forward in my follow through which I beleive would be a cue ball foul like a push or double hit. right? Anyways. Just use a short little stab and hold your form, it should come to you soon enough, just cover the damn table! Oh and try to make a ball everytime. Otherwise you don't really know where your practice is taking you. You may get the jump down, but making a ball is a whole different story. Somewhere around 50-70 degrees is a decent angle, I think...I don't over analyze these things so I'm just going off memory. So good luck n stuff, don't kill your table.
Mitch Alsup on 1/15/2009 9:05:08 PM
"When I used to hit them I could notice the ball was like riding up the shaft, I finally came to realize I had this little flick forward in my follow through which I beleive would be a cue ball foul like a push or double hit. right?"
Correct. There are some double hit high speeds in the directory my excerpts came from.
Xplosuv on 1/15/2009 11:35:06 PM
Let me start off with I have been doing jump shots for about 25 years, in that time I have become accurate, very accurate. I can put the ball in your hand most of the time. So I put my video cam on the ball and did the jump shot like I normally do.. and made the shot. Look at the video. Yup I put that stick under the cue and it gets lifted. Never knew that there was a correct way to jump.
The videos I watch here makes me think It's not worth my table to learn correctly on but, The sheet Idea is great. Thanks.
Now who wants to explain the concept behind the Jump sticks that are out on the market and why are they short and light?
Justanotherevolutionary on 1/16/2009 1:58:37 PM
I don't have a actual jump cue, but I would definitely like one. I believe it's simply just a matter of being able to have the wrap (grip) closer so that you don't have to over extend yourself using the extreme angles with a full length cue. Pretty much just a comfort thing? I notice on trick shot competitions some players use a shorter cue when hitting extreme massé shots, I assume those are "jump cues" as well. That's my guess anyways.
Three Brothers Billiards on 3/31/2009 8:36:53 AM
Jump cues are basically a necessity. You can buy a good one for under about $70. I prefer the Lucasi.
Having Trouble with My Jump Shot
- Title: Having Trouble with My Jump Shot
- Author: homerlee (Duane Hess)
- Published: 12/18/2008 5:03:48 PM