Input on a Used Brunswick Heritage Pool Table
2/1/2008 10:16:29 PM
Input on a Used Brunswick Heritage Pool Table
I've found an older 8' Brunswick Heritage table (there is a brass plate on the rail stating Brunswick Heritage) The owner does not how old the table is, it was given to them by there parents.
It actually looks better than the attached pics (new felt wouldn't hurt).
They're asking $550 and I was thinking of offering $500.
Anyone have any information on this model or have an idea as to how old it is? I could not find anything via Google.
Input on a Used Brunswick Heritage Pool Table
Replies & Comments
CZSteve on 2/1/2008 11:07:55 PM
I found this ad on Craigslist for a Brunswick Heritage pool table. Apparently it was manufactured between 1972 - 1977. The link has a copy/paste of the brochure statement.
Would this pool table be considered a 'classic' in any way?
I know it boils down to whether we like it or not; we do like it enough, but obviously it's more appealing if we're looking at a 'quality' pool table.
guest on 6/12/2008 12:51:39 PM
Did you get the table? How were the bumpers? I'm thinking of buying same table here in Boston. Cost of setup and new felt is the same as the table!
CZSteve on 6/12/2008 8:24:30 PM
Yes, we did go ahead and get it for $500.00
Ended up moving and setting it up ourselves along w/ installing new Tour Pro cloth. First time doing this - lot of work moving, but did some homework and all went fine.
Cushions; they still have pleny of life in them. They had come loose from the rails and had to re-applys contact cement. Also; we did discover three T-nuts had 'spun' in the tub that are used to bolt the legs to the tub, ended up 'carefully' removing the bottom molding to access the T-nuts where the wood had been chewed up and used a two-part puddy to repair along w/ adding an extra T-nut per leg for good measure.
Be aware the slates are 'dowled' when dissambly - I understand this is a good thing.
Please feel free to PM me if you like w/ your e-mail and I can send a pdf of the factory instructions I found.
Overall we are very happy w/ the table.
billiardsforum on 6/14/2008 8:24:49 AM
Steve sent me the 1976 Brunswick Heritage DG-1 installation manual. This document from Brunswick details how to assemble parts of the 1976 Brunswick Heritage DG-1 model pool table.
You can download the file from our servers. (PDF)
1976 Brunswick Heritage DG-1 Installation Manual
It is the 1967 Brunswick Heritage Installation Manual. Very cool to look at even if you don't have one to install.
guest on 6/19/2008 8:11:46 AM
Thank you so much for your help!
Without it, I wouldn't have been brave enough to have done a craig's list purchase! The photo and the manual were both very helpful.
I didn't do the installation myself (no way could I have done what these fellows did). You got a better deal... But, I did come in on budget! THANK YOU! Before actually looking, my budget was 2k. When I went to a local vendor, then one in New York, I thought I'd never meet my budget. Your forum helped me get brave...
The table I got was a Brunswick Heritage 8' pro built in 1974. The bumpers were in absolutely mint condition... actually, except the cloth having moth balls (so I had them install a commercial grade cloth) the whole thing was in "never been fully set up or played on" condition. It had been a display model, that the owner never set up (he passed away before he could). His widow decided after over 30 years, maybe it was time to part with it... (She was a very nice lady...)
The installers "oo'd and awe'd" over the condition - first time wax seal had ever been put on, first time pockets had been stapled on. They didn't need the manual - as they had each been installing tables over a decade a piece - they mentioned they set up the exact Brunswick Heritage table for a filming of an episode of the showtime series "Brotherhood", filmed in Rhode Island somewhere. But, the condition of this table was amazing to them.
So, this is how I made my budget:
- $850 - cost of table
- $550 - moving, installation, set-up, sealing, leveling, new commercial cloth
- $300 - 4 cues, balls, racks, cue mounts, bridge, chalk, cover. (okay, so I splurged on this...)
So, I'm pretty darn pleased with this - and I thank you both very much!
billiardsforum on 6/19/2008 8:57:15 AM
Awesome! Congratulations on the purchase, and of course, we'd love for you to post some pictures of the table when you get it all set up!
guest on 11/15/2010 9:15:22 PM
I found one of these Heritage by Brunswick tables in my area. The asking price is $1100. It definitely needs new felt and possible pockets. Is this a good deal?
Thank you.
sophie hart on 11/27/2010 5:23:06 AM
I think it is a good deal...but it would be better at $1000
Nelsen13 on 11/30/2010 1:45:28 PM
I am in the process of purchasing a slightly more used model of this table and the wood trim below the rails seem to be missing. Does anyone have any close up pictures of the section just below the rails?
OJS on 9/18/2011 8:12:21 PM
We are about to purchase a Brunswick Heritage vintage 1970s Billiards Table. The current owner has never assembled it but is assuring us all the pieces are there. I've read through the PDF posted earlier in this forum and while we have never assembled a pool table before, my wife and I believe, with the help of some even more handy friends, that we can assemble this beast.
Curious to know if anyone has any recommendations regarding moving the table and/or setting it up. Additionally, Is there anyone on this forum living in the Hudson Valley, NY area interested in helping us (for a fee) move or set this table up?
guest on 3/13/2015 9:47:05 AM
I have this 8' Brunswick Heritage table......a very good piece of workmanship. I bought mine over 10 yrs ago for $900.00 with sticks and holder. The original owner said he had bought it new in 1975, full 1" slate. After playing on mine hard every Friday night for 10 plus yrs the bumper rails need replacing. Two areas on mine have dead spots and needs replacing.I have recovered mine twice already.
I would say it is well worth the $500.00........enjoy
Zeke on 3/14/2015 12:00:09 PM
For kicks, I just emailed Brunswick to see if the installation manual for my 1980's Brunswick Medalist still exist.
Within 15 minutes of sending (today being a Saturday) the request, I had the entire pdf file complete with exploded views and the entire manual on an email reply.
The price? Nada! If anyone needs a copy, let me know and I'll email the file to you.
Nelsen13 on 3/15/2015 5:59:13 PM
That is great, My table has turned out great!
user1529709776 on 6/22/2018 11:22:56 PM
I am in Nashville, TN and have an old Brunswick Heritage pool table for sale. Check it out.
user1544028790 on 12/5/2018 8:53:11 AM
I found one of these "Heritage by Brunswick" pool tables for sale in my area.
The asking price is $900. The felt is good but it definitely needs 2 pockets replaced.
Is $900 a good deal for a Brunswick Heritage pool table?
billiardsforum on 12/11/2018 10:38:14 AM
@user1544028790 - not a bad deal per-se, but it's a buyer's market for used pool tables, and for $900 you should be able to find something similar that does not need to have two pockets replaced.
If there isn't much for sale in your area, then yes, I'd say it's not a bad deal at all.
user1581570045 on 2/12/2020 9:00:47 PM
I just picked up a Brunswick Heritage pool table for $700, and I love it!
I am not sure what year it is or how to tell when it was made!
billiardsforum on 2/15/2020 7:59:31 AM
@user1581570045 - Nice looking Brunswick Heritage pool table.
You can't determine the exact year of manufacture, nor is that a relevant piece of information.
As shared in the numerous answers above, the Brunswick Heritage model pool table was made between the year of 1972 and 1977. In which of those years it was made is irrelevant to it's value.
Lion Heart on 1/14/2021 12:17:50 PM
I'm buying a Brunswick Heirloom pool table which is from the same era and design as the Heritage model discussed here.
I am wondering whether Brunswick Heirloom pool table legs can be removed from the frame?
Does anyone have any insight they can share? If so, please post as an answer to the question linked above.
Input on a Used Brunswick Heritage Pool Table
- Title: Input on a Used Brunswick Heritage Pool Table
- Author: CZSteve (Steve Ansley)
- Published: 2/1/2008 10:16:29 PM