Old Brunswick Heritage Pool Table for Sale Nashville, TN
6/22/2018 11:22:56 PM
Old Brunswick Heritage Pool Table for Sale Nashville, TN
I have an older Brunswick Heritage pool table for sale and have had it well over 20 years!
It is now in storage and is for sale!
I purchased it over 20 years ago! It is truly the best pool table I have played on in all my years!
YES it does have one inch thick slate! It will be on Craig's List in next 2-4 weeks, and will include the balls, pool cue sticks, rack, and light that hangs overhead, from the ceiling.
I live in the south in Nashville,TN!
Old Brunswick Heritage Pool Table for Sale Nashville, TN
Old Brunswick Heritage Pool Table for Sale Nashville, TN
- Title: Old Brunswick Heritage Pool Table for Sale Nashville, TN
- Author: user1529709776
- Published: 6/22/2018 11:22:56 PM
- Last Updated: 6/25/2018 7:01:39 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)