American Heritage vs Kasson Pool Tables
12/8/2021 9:57:39 AM
American Heritage vs Kasson Pool Tables
Is an American Heritage pool table of good quality?
How do American Heritage pool tables compare to Kasson pool tables?
American Heritage vs Kasson Pool Tables
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 12/16/2021 5:23:41 AM
Both of those companies produced mostly residential-grade furniture-style pool tables.
If I had to pick one, it might be Kasson, but of course it depends on the model and era, what your needs are, and what features you value.
Do some reading on these previous questions, it may help. If you still have doubts, feel free to come back and reply with any specific questions you might have
American Heritage vs Kasson Pool Tables
- Title: American Heritage vs Kasson Pool Tables
- Author: user1638986259 (Tim Scott-smith)
- Published: 12/8/2021 9:57:39 AM
- Last Updated: 12/16/2021 4:10:16 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)