Slick Willie's 5913 Westheimer Rd Houston TX
Slick Willie's 5913 Westheimer Rd Houston TX
Slick Willie's Address
- Harris County
- Timezone: CST
Other cue sport businesses at this address:
Slick Willie's of Houston, TX is part of the Slick Willie's of America franchise/group of companies. Other nearby Slick Willie's of America locations include:- Slick Willie's 11312 Westheimer Rd Houston, TX (closed)
- Slick Willie's 11852 Wilcrest Dr Houston, TX (closed)
- Slick Willie's 1200 Westheimer Rd Houston, TX
- Slick Willie's 12138 East Freeway Houston, TX (closed)
- Slick Willie's 12867 Westheimer Rd Houston, TX (closed)
- Slick Willie's 13153 NW Freeway Houston, TX (closed)
- Slick Willie's 1509 S Lamar Blvd Austin, TX (closed)
- Slick Willie's 15135 North Freeway Houston, TX
- Slick Willie's 3895 Southwest Freeway Houston, TX (closed)
- Slick Willie's 4000 W Reno Ave Oklahoma City, OK
- Slick Willie's 560 Texas Ave Houston, TX (closed)
- Slick Willie's 6467 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX (closed)
- Slick Willie's 6700 Middle Fiskville Rd Austin, TX (closed)
- Slick Willie's 6808 NW Expressway Oklahoma City, OK
- Slick Willie's 6969 Gulf Fwy Houston, TX (closed)
- Slick Willie's 8471 Gulf Fwy Houston, TX (closed)
- Slick Willie's 9638 Jones Rd Houston, TX (closed)
- Slick Willie's Austin, TX
- Slick Willie's Corpus Christi, TX (closed)
- Slick Willie's Katy, TX
- Slick Willie's of America Corporate Office Houston, TX (moved)
- Slick Willie's of America Head Office Houston, TX
- Slick Willie's San Antonio, TX
- Slick Willie's Tulsa, OK (closed)
- Slick Willie's Webster, TX (closed)
Alternate Names
- Slick Willy's
- Slick Willie's Family Pool Hall
- Slick Willie's 5913 Westheimer @ Fountainview
Contact Slick Willie's
Reach Slick Willie's using the contact info below:
Slick Willie's 5913 Westheimer Rd Houston Phone Number
- (713) 781-5913 (Slick Willie's 5913 Westheimer Rd Houston Phone Number)
Slick Willie's Website
- (713) 781-5911 (Slick Willie's 5913 Westheimer Rd Houston Fax Number)
Slick Willie's Facebook
Photos of Slick Willie's 5913 Westheimer Rd Houston, TX
Store photos of Slick Willie's 5913 Westheimer Rd Houston, TX.

The store front of Slick Willie's 5913 Westheimer Rd in Houston, Texas.

The store front of Slick Willie's 5913 Westheimer Rd in Houston, Texas.

The store front of Slick Willie's 5913 Westheimer Rd in Houston, Texas.

The store front of Slick Willie's 5913 Westheimer Rd in Houston, Texas.

The store front of Slick Willie's 5913 Westheimer Rd in Houston, Texas.

The store front of Slick Willie's 5913 Westheimer Rd in Houston, Texas.

The store front of Slick Willie's 5913 Westheimer Rd in Houston, Texas.

The store front of Slick Willie's 5913 Westheimer Rd in Houston, Texas.
Photos from Inside Slick Willie's 5913 Westheimer Rd Houston, TX
Photos from inside the 5913 Westheimer Rd Slick Willie's Houston, TX.

The bar area inside of Slick Willie's 5913 Westheimer Rd in Houston, TX.

Playing pool Slick Willie's 5913 Westheimer Rd in Houston, TX.

The pool tables inside of Slick Willie's in Houston, TX.

Pool tables at Slick Willie's 5913 Westheimer Rd in Houston, TX.

Billiards at Slick Willie's 5913 Westheimer Rd Houston, Texas.

Playing pool at Slick Willie's 5913 Westheimer Rd in Houston, Texas.

Pool tables inside of the 5913 Westheimer Rd Slick Willie's in Houston, TX.

The bar at Slick Willie's 5913 Westheimer Rd in Houston, TX.
Logos for Slick Willie's Houston, TX
Slick Willie's Houston, TX logos. These are past and/or current logos and trademarks used by Slick Willie's Houston, TX
Slick Willie's 5913 Westheimer Rd Houston - Pool Hall Info
This is Slick Willie's flagship location.
Slick Willie's 5913 Westheimer Rd Houston Business Information
Entity ID | 35033400 |
Entity Legal Name | Slick Willie's Family Pool Hall, Inc. |
Entity US State of Registration | TX |
Date Registered | 10/10/1974 |
Entity Status | Active |
Business Type | Domestic For-Profit Corporation |
Date of Last Data Refresh | 2/25/2017 |
Entity ID | 120971400 |
Entity Legal Name | Slick Willies USA, Inc. |
Entity US State of Registration | TX |
Date Registered | 10/24/1991 |
Entity Status | Active, In Existence |
Business Type | Domestic For-Profit Corporation |
Date of Last Data Refresh | 2/25/2017 |
Entity ID | 139063700 |
Entity Legal Name | Slick Willie's of America, Inc. |
Entity US State of Registration | TX |
Date Registered | 3/1/1996 |
Entity Status | Active, In Existence |
Business Type | Domestic For-Profit Corporation |
Date of Last Data Refresh | 2/25/2017 |
Entity ID | 800245376 |
Entity Legal Name | 5913, Inc |
Entity US State of Registration | TX |
Date Registered | 9/11/2003 |
Entity Status | Active, In Existence |
Business Type | Domestic For-Profit Corporation |
Date of Last Data Refresh | 2/27/2017 |
Slick Willie's 5913 Westheimer Rd Houston Employees
Name | Role(s) | Phone | |
Edmond W. Mah | President, Director, Slick Willie's | ||
Charles W. Rogers | Vice President, Secretary, Director, Slick Willie's |
Services |
Other BusinessesView Other Billiard Businesses in The Area: |
Location Tags
- Neighbornood Short Name: Slick Willie's in Westside
- Title: Slick Willie's 5913 Westheimer Rd Houston
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 2/27/2017 3:20:27 PM
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