Double Or Nothing - Billiard Term Definition
Welcome to the billiard, pool, and snooker glossary of terms. This is the definition of Double Or Nothing as it relates to cue sports. You can also view the entire billiard dictionary
Definition of Double Or Nothing
Double Or Nothing is a billiards term that is a part of Gambling and Betting Terminology.
When gambling, double or nothing means to wager the entire balance owed at a given point so that if the billiard player who is currently ahead wins, they would be due two times the balance wagered, whereas if the player who is behind wins, they would break even.
Double Or Nothing - Usage
I know I am losing, but give me one more chance to chase my money. I'll give you double or nothing.
Billiards - Double Or Nothing
- Title: Double Or Nothing
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 4/15/2006
- Last Updated: 10/24/2007 9:49:07 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum
Double Or Nothing Comments
Brandon from TX, United States on 11/17/2008 7:57:49 PM
What happens in a "double or nothing" bet when the outcome of the game is a tie?
billiardsforum from Halifax, NS on 11/19/2008 4:39:57 AM
What happens in Double or Nothing when there is a tie?
In "double or nothing" betting on pool games, a tie game is "not a win" and the outcome is the "nothing" result of the "double or nothing" bet e.g. the player who lost game one no longer owes any debt. To win double the money, the winning player of game one must also win game two. A tie is not considered a "win".
For example, in the first game there is $10 at stake, and player A wins. The players then agree to play again with the stakes set to "double or nothing". This means that if player A wins game two, he can double his winnings to $20. Player A loses all of the money if he does not win. Since in a tie game, player A does not win, the "nothing" side of the wager is satisfied.
Here are the three possible outcomes for player A (who won the first game):
Win = Double the Money Tie = No Money Loss = No Money
Here are the three possible outcomes for player B (who lost the first game):
Win = Debt is Canceled Tie = Debt is Canceled Loss = Debt is Doubled
As you can see, player B (who lost the first game) has twice the opportunity for "upside" in a "double or nothing" game two.
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