Small Home Billiard Room in Utah
A description of the Small Home Billiard Room in Utah photo is found below the image.

Small Home Billiard Room in Utah
Thanks to Creed Kyle and Andy for being my pool boys (ha) i am planning on redoing this one, but i decided to put it up for the time being. let me know what you think!
Here is a very simple home billiard room that is just barely big enough for the pool table. They have a corner floor standing pool cue rack sitting in the corner but there is a ship on top where the chalk and balls would typically sit. Again, I'll bitch about the color of the pool table cloth a little, since that has been a theme in these billiard hall images thus far. This guy must have an affection for model tall ships.
Small Home Billiard Room in Utah
The billiard room photo titled "Small Home Billiard Room in Utah" was taken by Adam Metcalf on 2008-09-30 18:59:52.000 and uploaded to flickr on 2008-09-30 18:59:52.000. It was retrieved from a public flickr feed on 2008-10-01 02:24:37.000. The accompanying article was written and published by the Billiards Forum. The publish date of the text content is found below.
This page belongs to the Home Billiard Room Pictures category. Pictures from users and from around the internet showcasing different home billiard rooms.
- Title: Small Home Billiard Room in Utah
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 10/2/2008 7:21:24 AM
- Last Updated: 10/2/2008 6:02:34 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum
- Source: Flickr user contribution
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