Billiard Hall in Sonoma County California
A description of the Billiard Hall in Sonoma County California photo is found below the image.

Billiard Hall in Sonoma County California
Here we can see a pool hall with a terribly neglected billiard table. That pool table cloth should have been replaced a long time ago by the look of the wear and tear and the burn marks. They have the classic pub-style billiard table light with the Bud Light logo plastered over it. Good for a pub, bad for a home billiard room, in my own humble opinion. The photographer tagged the photo with Rainbow Cattle Company.
Billiard Hall in Sonoma County California
The billiard room photo titled "Billiard Hall in Sonoma County California" was taken by decidedlyodd on 2008-07-04 23:58:54.000 and uploaded to flickr on 2008-07-07 23:58:54.000. It was retrieved from a public flickr feed on 2008-07-08 06:03:22.000. The accompanying article was written and published by the Billiards Forum. The publish date of the text content is found below.
This page belongs to the Home Billiard Room Pictures category. Pictures from users and from around the internet showcasing different home billiard rooms.
- Title: Billiard Hall in Sonoma County California
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 10/2/2008 7:24:08 AM
- Last Updated: 10/2/2008 7:21:57 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum
- Source: Flickr user contribution
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