8 Ball Falls into a Pocket after I Pocket my Last Object Ball
2/10/2022 6:32:44 AM
8 Ball Falls into a Pocket after I Pocket my Last Object Ball
What happens when the 8 ball falls into a pocket on the same shot where I legally pocketed my last object ball?
Put another way, I'm playing eight ball, I made the last ball in the called pocket, and the eight ball fell into another pocket as well.
Should the eight ball come out to be spotted? Is it a foul?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
8 Ball Falls into a Pocket after I Pocket my Last Object Ball
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 2/11/2022 3:01:10 AM
Pocketing your last object ball and the 8 ball in the same shot results in the loss of game.
However, in some informal settings, depending on where you play and what rules you are using, if you pocket your object ball first, then the 8 ball drops in after, it is treated as a scratch. That means the 8 ball comes back onto the table, and play passes to your opponent. This is certainly not standard and isn't part of any major rule sets recognized by the governing bodies of cue sports.
This question has been asked 10 different ways in the past, and all have the same answers:
- Pocketing 2nd Last Ball, and 8 Ball
- Pocketed the 8 Ball After Legally Sinking my Last Ball
- Sunk the 8 Ball on a Combination Shot off My Last Ball
- Potting Last Ball and 8 Ball at the Same Time
- Accidentally Pocket 8 Ball After Last Object Ball
- Pocket Your Last Ball then Cue Ball Knocks in the 8 Ball
- Can You Pocket your Last Ball and 8 Ball in Same Shot?
8 Ball Falls into a Pocket after I Pocket my Last Object Ball
- Title: 8 Ball Falls into a Pocket after I Pocket my Last Object Ball
- Author: Joseph Woodland
- Published: 2/10/2022 6:32:44 AM
- Last Updated: 2/11/2022 2:42:18 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)