Can You Pocket your Last Ball and 8 Ball in Same Shot?
3/13/2017 2:46:44 AM
Can You Pocket your Last Ball and 8 Ball in Same Shot?
In last-pocket 8 ball, can you pocket your last object ball and the 8 ball in the same shot?
For example, what happens when you shoot your last ball into a pocket (designating it now as your "last pocket"), then the cue ball came around and knocks the 8-ball into that same pocket?
Do you win or lose?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Can You Pocket your Last Ball and 8 Ball in Same Shot?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 3/23/2019 9:50:16 AM
You lose the game when you pocket a ball and the 8 ball also falls into a pocket incidentally. Two rules apply:
- You lose the rack if you pocket the eight ball in an uncalled pocket
- The eight ball may be called only after the shot on which the shooter's group has been cleared from the table.
You didn't legally call the 8 ball, and since you didn't (because you couldn't), you lose.
See the answer on 8 Ball Rolls in After Pocketing Last Ball for a more detailed look at why it is a loss of game, and for references to applicable WPBA 8 ball rule sections.
Can You Pocket your Last Ball and 8 Ball in Same Shot?
- Title: Can You Pocket your Last Ball and 8 Ball in Same Shot?
- Author: Keith Medas
- Published: 3/13/2017 2:46:44 AM
- Last Updated: 3/23/2019 9:44:51 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)