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Russian Billiards Tables in Orlando, FL?

Russian Billiards Tables in Orlando, FL?

Are there any Russian pool tables in Orlando now in 2016?

I live in Orlando, FL and I am trying to find a place to play Russian Billiards but I can't find any Russian Billiards pool tables near Orlando, FL.

Russian Billiards Tables in Orlando, FL?

Replies & Comments

  1. frbite2016billiardsforum on 11/17/2016 9:21:46 AM

    You probably figured this out, but there is a full-on Russian Billiards pool hall in Hollywood, FL which is pretty much full of Russian billiards tables.

    Lucky Pocket Russian Billiards
    1937 Harrison St
    Hollywood, FL 33020

    (954) 297-8788



  2. frbite2016user1532110946 on 7/20/2018 11:22:27 AM

    The Lucky Pocket pool hall in Florida closed in 2013.

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Russian Billiards Tables in Orlando, FL?

  • Title: Russian Billiards Tables in Orlando, FL?
  • Author:
  • Published: 7/23/2016 11:10:26 PM
  • Last Updated: 11/17/2016 8:57:21 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)