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Georgiaava Billiard Forum Profile Avatar Image
2 reputation ?
53 people reached


Owner, Digital Marketing

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  • Last seen 1 month ago
  • Member for 1 month
  • 53 profile views
  • Member #35916

About Me

Monkey Type collects runtime types of function arguments and return values, and can automatically generate stub files or even add draft type annotations directly to your Python code based on the types collected at runtime. MP Lastly, the name 'Monkey Type' is a play on this duality. very much a type design nerd fact. Yet you think of monkeys, making everything irreverent, almost to the point of being a joke Roles involving more typing, such as data entry or transcription, usually require employees. In addition to Twitter, he posts videos of his typing exploits on Tik Tok and Youtube currently tops the leader boards at Monkey type, which is one of two sites he uses to cultivate his speed (the other is Type Racer), and his most recent

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My Gear

  • Playing Cue: Monkey Type Collects Runtime Types of Function Arguments and Return Values, and Can Automatically Generate Stub Files or Even Add Draft Type Annotations Directly to Your Python Code Based on The

Companies I Own/Promote

  • Digital Marketing