WTB: 3x5 Pool Cue Case With Jump Butt Pocket in Suffolk, UK
5/1/2010 4:56:48 AM
WTB: 3x5 Pool Cue Case With Jump Butt Pocket in Suffolk, UK
Does anyone have a 3x5 pool cue case for sale? I am looking for a 3 butt 5 shaft cue case for sale with a jump butt pocket on it.
I'm in Suffolk, England, and here, they're as hard to get hold of as a greased eel!
WTB: 3x5 Pool Cue Case With Jump Butt Pocket in Suffolk, UK
Replies & Comments
Fenwick on 5/1/2010 9:57:44 AM
You can find one on line for $60 something US dollars plus shipping.
slippery on 5/1/2010 11:09:36 AM
Got cue from USA cost me £30 import tax on top of postal charges.Rather have good quality used one than cheap vinyl new one.Using cheap 3x5 one at moment but pocket is missing and have just bought predator air jump cue and have nowhere to put butt.
Fenwick on 5/1/2010 2:36:12 PM
I was talking about a leather case for $60 some bucks. Mine is still holding up after 4 years. I'm not too fond of used equipment but that's just me. Check out J.B. Cases. Some nice 3/5's but a bit pricey other wise wishing you good luck finding a good used case. J.B. might have something used?
quickshot on 5/1/2010 4:13:09 PM
You can try here: http://www.billiards.com/pool-cue-cases/hard-cue-cases They may have some used.
slippery on 5/2/2010 4:58:56 AM
Nice cases but they don't ship to England.
WTB: 3x5 Pool Cue Case With Jump Butt Pocket in Suffolk, UK
- Title: WTB: 3x5 Pool Cue Case With Jump Butt Pocket in Suffolk, UK
- Author: slippery (Andrew Smith)
- Published: 5/1/2010 4:56:48 AM
- Last Updated: 6/12/2010 9:27:34 AM
- Last Updated By: slippery