The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. Antique Paper Items For Sale
6/8/2016 7:17:35 AM
The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. Antique Paper Items For Sale
The following antique paper items from The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. are for sale:
- Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., dated: 1890 Sales order / Invoice from a sale to R. L. Halliday
- Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., dated: 1895 Sales order / Invoice from a sale to Leo Schmidt of Chicago, IL
- Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., dated: 1917 Sales order / Invoice from a sale to the Hotel Mccreery Co. of Hinton, VA
- Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., dated: 1910 Quote for bar fixtures to the Becker Brewing Co.
Make me an offer if there is any interest.
Each item is pictured twice below:
Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., dated: 1890:
Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., dated: 1895
Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., dated: 1917:
Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., dated: 1910
The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. Antique Paper Items For Sale
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 6/8/2016 8:58:46 AM
Those are some awesome pieces of Brunswick Balke Collender Co. history.
Just a piece of advice - you'll get more interest in stuff like this if you provide a back-story for each of the items e.g. how you came to own them and what history you know of them.
Good luck with the sale.
The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. Antique Paper Items For Sale
- Title: The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. Antique Paper Items For Sale
- Author: Moves
- Published: 6/8/2016 7:17:35 AM