OnTheRail TV T-Shirts for Sale
9/28/2008 4:16:37 AM
OnTheRail TV T-Shirts for Sale
For one week we are going to have a sale on all our OTR shirts that are in stock due to someone asking us to special order 20 shirts and then not paying us.
When you buy one shirt get 25% off on your 2nd shirt,so you can get 2 shirts for $35!
A percentage of each sale from the McCready shirts does go to Keith.
We have sizes large to XXL in stock but can order other sizes from S to 4XL, XXL and larger sizes add $2 for each shirt, Shipping is FREE!
Here is our list of what we have in stock. Paypal is please specify color and size along with your address.
OnTheRail TV T-Shirts for Sale
OnTheRail TV T-Shirts for Sale
- Title: OnTheRail TV T-Shirts for Sale
- Author: Fast Lenny (Lenny Marshall)
- Published: 9/28/2008 4:16:37 AM
- Last Updated: 9/28/2008 4:17:33 AM
- Last Updated By: Fast Lenny (Lenny Marshall)