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What Happens if a Ball Goes in off the Black Ball

What Happens if a Ball Goes in off the Black Ball

It is the end of the frame with scores even and the black ball is re-spotted. A ball is contacted with the cue ball, and goes in off the black ball.

Is this the end of frame or can you still continue (as there is 7 points still available)?

This question relates to the following billiard rules:

What Happens if a Ball Goes in off the Black Ball

Replies & Comments

  1. znajdaphil on 8/16/2010 2:31:28 AM

    Your question is contradictory, so the actual situation isn't clear. You say "end of the frame" which I take to mean that only the black ball and cue ball remain on the table. But then you say "a ball is contacted with the cue-ball and goes in-off the black ball" - which suggests that some other ball (not the cue ball and not the black ball) was pocketed.

    But assuming that only the black ball is remaining and the cue ball goes into a pocket off the black, then it's the end of the game with 7 points awarded to the other player.

    Bottom line is - if the black is the only remaining ball on the table, one mistake of any kind (in-off, miscue or whatever) by either player will end the game with a penalty of 7 points awarded to the other player.

    See related question: What happens when you scratch while on the black ball and score is tied?

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What Happens if a Ball Goes in off the Black Ball

  • Title: What Happens if a Ball Goes in off the Black Ball
  • Author: (Mike Znajda)
  • Published: 7/29/2010 11:49:16 AM