Score Tied after Scratch on Black Ball
6/18/2009 3:40:12 PM
Score Tied after Scratch on Black Ball
In snooker, what do players do when the game is tied up and a player scratches on the black ball?
In our snooker match, here's what happened:
- Player A has 4 points
- Player B goes to the table with the Blue, Pink, and Black balls left on the table
- Player B sinks the Blue ball, then the Pink ball, and now has 7 points.
- Player B, in the same run, scratches on the Black ball, leaving the Black ball hanging over a pocket and the cue ball in the pocket.
- The game is now tied.
What do the players do next? Does...
- Player B take the cue ball from the pocket and shoot at the black over the pocket from within the "D", or
- The official (or the players) re-spot the Black ball and flip a coin to see who shoots next?
Hopefully someone can answer this question because our league is divided on the answer.
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Score Tied after Scratch on Black Ball
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 1/25/2019 8:07:50 AM
It's answer #2 from your question above:
- The official (or the players) re-spot the Black ball and flip a coin to see who shoots next?
See this other related question:
Score Tied after Scratch on Black Ball
- Title: Score Tied after Scratch on Black Ball
- Author: Dan McGuire
- Published: 6/18/2009 3:40:12 PM
- Last Updated: 1/25/2019 4:04:23 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)