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Pocketing the Red Ball and the Cue Ball

Pocketing the Red Ball and the Cue Ball

When you are playing the last red ball and you pocket the red ball and the cue ball, does the next shooter have to play the yellow or do they get a free ball at this point?

This question relates to the following billiard rules:

Pocketing the Red Ball and the Cue Ball

Replies & Comments

  1. janabilliardsforum on 1/6/2007 2:56:29 AM

    When the last red is potted it stays down. And, because the cue ball going in as well, it is considered a foul stroke, four points away, and the yellow ball is then played ball-in-hand.

    A free ball would only come into effect if the next player were unable to see the yellow full-ball from hand. In which case they could play any other color as a free ball for two points followed by the yellow if the free ball is potted.

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Pocketing the Red Ball and the Cue Ball

  • Title: Pocketing the Red Ball and the Cue Ball
  • Author: (Jana Taylor)
  • Published: 1/6/2007 2:52:01 AM
  • Last Updated: 4/10/2019 5:47:37 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)