Plants or Combination Shots on Red Balls
1/15/2008 2:23:24 PM
Plants or Combination Shots on Red Balls
Can you do a cannon shot to pocket a red ball off of another red ball in snooker? I've searched for this answer but am unable to find one. Maybe I'm not searching hard enough.
I just want to know if you can strike the cue ball to hit a red ball that in-turn hits another red ball to be sunk.
Are such combination shots in snooker a foul, or is this a legal combination shot in snooker?
This question relates to the following billiard rules:
Plants or Combination Shots on Red Balls
Replies & Comments
Fenwick on 1/16/2008 2:50:38 PM
That would be perfectly legal, the same as if you hit a red on to a color which then knocked another red into a pocket.
Answer from
user1200407004 on 1/16/2008 7:26:39 PM
Cheers @Fenwick,
Thanks for your time and effort to find an answer.
That's a top site too.
billiardsforum on 1/19/2008 10:01:22 PM
To add to @Fenwick's previous answer...
In snooker, a combination shot is sometimes called a "plant". Plants (combination shots) can be played on reds at any time and are considered legal in snooker.
Plants cannot be played on coloured balls. For example, if you pot a red ball, and are now shooting at the pink ball, the cue ball must hit the pink first and it is the only ball that can be potted. If a red ball or another coloured ball drops into a pocket incidentally, it is a foul stroke.
Plants or Combination Shots on Red Balls
- Title: Plants or Combination Shots on Red Balls
- Author: user1200407004
- Published: 1/15/2008 2:23:24 PM
- Last Updated: 4/10/2019 4:35:38 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)