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Penalty in Snooker for a Foul on the Black Ball

Penalty in Snooker for a Foul on the Black Ball

I was playing snooker last night with only the black left on the table, and I was 7 points behind.

My friend then fouled on the black as the White went in off, making the scores equal. The black was still on the table, and my friend said the black should be a re spot.

I thought the White could be placed in the D and then go for the black as it was in a good position to pot .

Who is correct?

This question relates to the following billiard rules:

Penalty in Snooker for a Foul on the Black Ball

Replies & Comments

  1. guestuser1292936757 on 12/21/2010 1:08:03 PM

    The black ball is respotted. The frame ends when either the black is pocketed or a foul is committed (which is what happened in your situation). If the scores are tied, the black ball is respotted and it is cue ball in hand (from D).

    Also see: Foul on last black ball when scores are tied

  2. guestJay Janzen on 4/24/2011 10:56:28 AM

    In snooker, the only time a colored ball is re-spotted is when it has been potted or driven from the table. From the brief description you have provided, this has not occurred (your note - Black Ball still on the table).

    As your opponent has committed a standard foul, his frame (his turn at the table) is over. Your frame begins with no re-spotting of any balls, and Cue Ball above the head string. Play continues in accordance with the International Billiards & Snooker Federation Rules Section 3. Rule 5a.

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Penalty in Snooker for a Foul on the Black Ball

  • Title: Penalty in Snooker for a Foul on the Black Ball
  • Author:
  • Published: 11/20/2010 5:43:47 AM