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Can you Play from In-Hand in All Directions from the "D"?

Can you Play from In-Hand in All Directions from the "D"?

In snooker, can you play the white ball from all directions from within the "D" when you have cue ball in-hand?

For example, if you were to pot the white ball and, your opponent gets the white ball in hand in the 'D', is he allowed to play the shot backwards?

I've always thought the shot from the "D" had to be taken forwards or "up-table".

This question relates to the following billiard rules:

Can you Play from In-Hand in All Directions from the "D"?

Replies & Comments

  1. Darrylbilliardsforum on 4/11/2019 5:23:41 PM

    Yes, you can play the cue ball in hand from the "D" in any direction.

    Per the 2014 WPBSA Official Rules for Snooker:

    5. Playing from In-hand

    To play from in-hand, the cue-ball must be struck from a position on or within the lines of the ā€œDā€, but it may be played in any direction.

    • (a) The referee will state, if asked, whether the cue-ball is properly placed (that is, not outside the lines of the ā€œDā€).
    • (b) If the tip of the cue should touch the cue-ball while positioning it, and the referee is satisfied that the striker was not attempting to play a stroke, then the cue-ball is not in play.

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Can you Play from In-Hand in All Directions from the "D"?

  • Title: Can you Play from In-Hand in All Directions from the "D"?
  • Author:
  • Published: 4/15/2010 2:37:30 AM
  • Last Updated: 4/11/2019 5:19:13 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)