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Thanks for Your Patience During the Outage!

Thanks for Your Patience During the Outage!

Well, I think I owe everyone an explanation for the two weeks+ of downtime this month.

Long story short, my original web hosting provider shut the site down basically because it was getting too much traffic. (I guess that's a good problem to have - in some ways)

They didn't give me any advance notice so that I could upgrade to a better server. (which I'd have happily done) They just shut me down without notice, and it took me three days of calling their Philippines tech support to get that out of them.

I made the decision to cancel my account with them and switch to another hosting provider. I upgraded three levels so you should all find the site much faster now too. Even though the new hosting plan costs three times as much as the old, I think it will be well worth it. This was the perfect case of "you get what you pay for"

Anyway, that's whats been going on, and why the site was down for so long. I'm terribly sorry for the downtime and hopefully we won't have it happen again.

I should also add...there were many settings and pieces of code that had to be adjusted...so there is a chance I missed something.

If anything is broken - please let me know!

Thanks for Your Patience During the Outage!

Replies & Comments

  1. billiardsforumbilliardsforum on 8/30/2008 9:51:53 AM

    I should also add... there were many settings and pieces of code that had to be adjusted... so there is a chance I missed something.

    If anything is broken - please let me know!

  2. billiardsforumGinger on 8/30/2008 9:53:07 AM

    Thanks for the update. Glad to see that you are back online.

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Thanks for Your Patience During the Outage!

  • Title: Thanks for Your Patience During the Outage!
  • Author: (Billiards Forum)
  • Published: 8/30/2008 8:38:52 AM