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Finally Back Together, My 125 Year Old Billiard Table

Finally Back Together, My 125 Year Old Billiard Table

I've been trying to sell this thing for 24 years. LOL.

I disassembled it at my parents home in Western, NY during the Christmas of 1999, and reassembled it in my PA home in the spring of 2000.

It was then disassembled in the winter of 2005. It had been moved from storage to another storage to an unheated garage, all in Northern, NY, then into the basement of my house in central PA, and finally ended up in the garage of my current house in Richmond, VA.

It was finally reassembled last winter (just the frame and slate), with ping-pong tops on it.

I finally covered in new cloth 2 weeks ago.

I am now back to playing, only to find that the cushions that I replaced 24 years ago are shot, so I am not done yet.


Finally Back Together, My 125 Year Old Billiard Table

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Finally Back Together, My 125 Year Old Billiard Table

  • Title: Finally Back Together, My 125 Year Old Billiard Table
  • Author: (J. Penwarden)
  • Published: 8/15/2024 6:35:48 AM
  • Last Updated: 3/17/2025 12:55:11 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)